2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

She would be the only candidate in the WY Democratic primary.

I think we’ve seen, no matter how much the party turns on you, they will still back the republican party no matter what

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Posted here bc jeff Jackson running for NC senate

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Hopefully he can at least do better than Amy McGrath did against Mitch in 2020.


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Hard not to do at least better than fucking Amy, and he’s a black progressive.

Glad to see him run. It’s a long long shot, but at least it is a shot.

Ultimately I think it is going to come down to whatever sort of infrastructure bill that possibly gets passed. Rand is ultimately going to run on what have the lol baby killers done for you. Only shot Booker has is to counter with infrastructure

(so lol democrats it isn’t happening…sigh…if it looks close here in a year I will be going hard for him)

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Finally someone besides weightlifting white dude in the CA-50 race!


Brand new, not much to the website right now.



Pretty exciting. First ever son of three parents could be in Congress!


lol, i just reread the tweet and I see what you mean, but I read it as him talking about himself…rofl

lol, my serious read was that one parent was a gay trucker, and the other was a 10 year vet. Totally whiffed on thinking that each clause was separately describing himself when he didn’t identify his other parent.

good god, please don’t let this person win the primary


I wonder what this could be about…


Probable Dem nominee vs. Pidgin man Grassley throws her hat in the ring. She’s pretty well-loved in Iowa Dem circles and could actually give him a race.


I’m interested to see how 2022 turnout works out. Not having trump is going to mess with turnout both ways, but I think it could benefit dems on net.

There is a theory out there that people have become more partisan and polarized, so you won’t see as many party switching voters between 2020 and 2022 as in previous mid-terms. Also, some believe that the vaccine means that Dems are going to be going door-to-door in full force, so GOTV efforts will actually be more effective this time around.

Of course, 2022 could end up being a referendum on the value of mask mandates and lockdowns.

Moving forward, elections are all about turnout. Some potentially relevant factors:

  1. Do a meaningful number of Republicans sit out elections because they actually think they’re rigged / they don’t care if Trump isn’t on the ballot?

  2. Do a meaningful number of Democrats sit out out of frustration with the Washington Generals routine?

  3. Does the voter suppression backfire by motivating democrats to vote?

  4. Does the war on absentee / mail in voting backfire because old white people disproportionately use it absent a pandemic?

There is no obvious answer to these, IMO.

Honestly seems like a lock Dems at least lose the house with these new laws. Republicans going to gain like 10 seats with gerrymandering alone. And even if people want to turn out, if you’re poor and in one of these states with new voter suppression laws, it’s going to be hard to vote.

Then, once Dems lose any power to fight back, these laws are going to get much worse.

The deplorables will turn out. The culture war and politics is literally their entire identity. Yeah trump lost but they will still vote.

Dems I don’t know. I expect a huge GOTV effort now with vaccines but I feel like most are probably comfortable now that trump’s gone. Suburbs likely to go back red.

Keeping in mind that the dead don’t turn out, has anyone done at least a back-of-the-envelope calculation of the effect of COVID death on R vs D turnout. It can’t be good for the GOP, but I’m still not convinced that we’re talking about high enough numbers to be significant.

The Rs control 40 fewer seats this time for gerrymandering purposes compared to 2011. The Ds control 20 more. The rest are bipartisan or split control.

+1. I was lulled into believing there was a chance that Ernst was going down. Of course, she held pretty easily. I’m not falling for it a second time. Pigdin man has it locked.

+2, zero hope for Iowa after “no clue how much corn is worth” lady waffle crushed

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