Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

So you are an industrial chemist / chem engineer or something in that realm?

I can’t decide which video is more annoying.

Not sure. That first house looks kind of fun.

They both look like the opposite of fun to me. A security camera for the kitchen? Also I want to know how Camilla gets her own room with a locking door.

I was barely combing my hair in 7th grade.


I wouldn’t do it now but the early-mid 20s version of me would have probably enjoyed it, other than lack of privacy for hookups (just go to her apartment imo)

Wait was that a Che poster at ~1min??

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Anyone here ever try the Starbucks/Pepsi Mazagran “Sparkling Coffee” circa 1995? I had never heard of it.

Fermentation microbiologist. My core expertise is development, scale-up, and production. I also work upstream with strain selection and improvement, physiology (pathways), and downstream product recovery and purification. I interface a lot of chemical engineers and molecular biologists. Somehow I’ve ended up managing analytical chemistry departments multiple times.

All industrial- think chemicals and biofuels. Made pharma intermediates back in the 90s briefly.


I would be terrible at this, but I would absolutely kill a soda challenge.

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I’ve reported you to customs to revoke your citizenship for calling it soda! :grinning:

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"Zaila said she hopes to one day play basketball at Harvard before a career at NASA or as a coach in the NBA.

She said may also pursue a career in neuroscience or gene editing."

"She said she has a variety of interests and was on the lookout for some new challenges to tackle.

“I’ll find something else to do,” she said. “Trust me.'”


Clearly this means racism is over.

I’m snap taking clovis’ side in any blind taste test. These sorts of challenges are run all the time in every possible context, and people always massively overestimate their ability to differentiate things they can’t see.


Yeah, but that’s other people.


Killing my action! :grinning:

@suzzer99 we could use some fun here. Let’s work out a bet. Say $100. In?

I haven’t had any of the three for at least 15 years and I’d still be blown away if I couldn’t differentiate Coke/Dr. Pepper/Cream Soda blind. I can taste them in my head right now.

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I think the Canadian ICE department is actually just publicly funded zambonis.

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I mean - that’s kind of the point.

My proposed bet would be 10 soft drinks

Regular and Diet Coke
Regular and Diet Pepsi
Regular and diet Dr Pepper
Regular and diet rootbeer
Seven up or sprite
Cream soda

All have to be same temp. In same type of glass. A second person must setup with no indication of which is which. Of course, all testing is totally blind with no visual reference.

To win bet you must ID all 10 by base flavour and get at least 3 by brand. You cannot know rootbeer, cream soda or citrus brands before hand.

$100 to winner.