Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

If you put those four in front of me right now and needed me to label which was which, I am close to 100% certain I would be correct. They taste quite different.

At a party once no one thought I could tell Jack D from Jim B. It’s pretty easy but everyone was astonished when I could tell one from the other (the sour one is Jack, Jim is kinda vanilla-y).

Is that the case? He bought for 12.5 and sold for 23.5, are we assuming he spent 11+ to build?

Every time this has run they fail at a really high rate. People itt over confident imo. So much so I’d be willing to talk bet of some kind.

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That is so, so different. Like apples and oranges.


Let’s get a fun bet going. I’m willing to put up some money.

I’d second Cheever’s if you aren’t looking for a steak joint @simplicitus

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Dextrose fermented to lactic acid

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Apples and oranges taste identical to me.

I have a poor sense of smell and sometimes wonder how that shapes my sense of taste.

Are you sure that isn’t staged? Snobby experts failing at basic taste tests is guaranteed to make people like the show.

100% sure. Google it you can find similar results on tons of shows across the world.

Also, top chef is one of the most real reality shows. Very little producer manipulation.

So is this generally the same process for the biodegradable cups I’ve seen that are marketed as “plant-based,” or is that something different?

My sence of smells is not so great because I smoke, but my hearing is top notch and its probably why I like all generations of music from classic to techo.


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I just assumed Dr Pepper was being compared against cream soda.

Even then I’m getting galaxy brained as there’s vanilla in cream soda.

Those are them.
Dextrose ferment to lactic acid

Lactic acid chemically forms a ring dimer, lactide.

Lactide can be ring opened to grow a chain, poly-lactic acid or PLA.

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We used to do roofies for fun, before the frat guys started date-raping and ruined it for everyone. This sounds like something else - possibly GHB.

I am absolutely willing to take your money on this. I drink 2-3 Diet Dr. Peppers a day in place of coffee. Every now and then I have to drink Diet Coke and I’m not happy about it.

I think you’re just confused because you don’t drink much of either. For instance I’d never be able to tell the difference between Jim Beam and Jack Daniels because I don’t drink whiskey.

I tried ghb once. I was so fucking horny I was texting every possible hook up lol

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Dude I know freaked out and started jerking off naked in a bathroom stall, of the bar he managed. His friends were throwing cold water on him to try to get him to calm down. Needless to say he moved to a new city soon after.

Another girl I still know - similar thing. Her friends found her in the bathroom furiously masturbating, completely oblivious to anyone around her.

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