Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide


This seems a little unfair - I’d be shocked if anyone could do this without using their nose. I always though the lemon-lime drinks had a noticeably different flavor then the dark sodas. Not sure I’d bet that most people could do it though.

Somewhat related, a little googling tells me that they just stopped making Tab last December. Only 40 years after they started making Diet Coke!

Fuck, I love Tab.

Plugging nose to eat vegetables I hated and liver is what got me through childhood.

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I tend to associate the end of the British Empire with WWI and WWII so not a soft landing.

The Spanish Empire is an interesting case, they were in pretty steady decline for the entire 19th century with no stand out cataclysmic event that I can think of.

Imaginary numbers and whatnot…


Francisco Franco is still dead.


One thing she didn’t really spend sufficient time on, imo, is how shitty your bosses can be in law. She said something like “some of them can be mean,” which doesn’t even scratch the surface of just how vile these people are to those working beneath them.

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This is true in all large corporations, the system rewards manipulative psychopaths. Not every manager is a sociopath obviously, but the ones that are get bigger bonuses and more promotions.

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I think I could tell the difference between soft drinks no problem…

My mates into wines and can pretty much tell the differences between most wines and we’ve had a few free meals when the restaurant has tried to palm off a cheaper bottle and its always the same shit with “Oh sorry, that’s the 1st that’s happened here” yeah sure.


Their faces are a picture too, it’s actually amazing to see him in action tasting and getting them 100% correct.

He worked the boats in the south of France so he knows his stuff. :grinning:

Yeah my brain automatically filled that part in but I could see how people might not understand the extent of it just based on her comments. There’s also a possibility that after only a year she hadn’t endured enough of it yet to fully grasp how truly terrible these people are.

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Did you ever read Riverman’s WME thread?

It’s a talent agency in Los Angeles. I’m not into linking certain forums but if you Google Riverman WME it should pop up first.

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Yep. Definitely some interesting stuff they sell across the world. I rarely if ever drink regular soda (drink way too much Diet Coke though) and the small glass bottle of regular soda they give you off the production line might be one of the best things I’ve ever drank.

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DJT itt


lol wut

if someone asked you what you wanted to drink would you say “a beverage”?

“Do you have any diet cola?”

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People can’t really distinguish between pieces of onion and apple with their noses plugged, so this isn’t terribly surprising.

Air going through your nose is such a huge component of taste that that video seems weird to me. It would be like asking people to distinguish between varieties of apples with a blindfold on and being surprised when they couldn’t.