Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Uh, ActBlue…doesn’t do this? LOL it even says so in the last paragraph. Gotta BOTH SIDES that headline though

Before I got into coffee I was heavily into soda. I’d basically sip a shot of it like bourbon though because of the insane sugar / calorie content. A friend and I had tasting sessions on the weekends of the craziest shit we could find from around the world. I had a huge collection at one point of rare / obscure stuff but not sure if I kept or gave it away.

I walked right into that one.

Found a few bottles in the basement:

Limca (India), Coca-Cola (Mexico), Pepsi (Mexico)

Fentimans (UK), Dublin Dr Pepper (Texas), Coca-Cola (Netherlands), Ramune (Japan)


Here’s a map of a trip I plan to take from Sun to Thurs. So Cal to Detroit suburbs. Helping a friend Uhaul family stuff after his mother passed away.

Here’s a pic with Covid hot spots.

Friend is paying for meals. There’s a 72oz if you can eat it it’s free steak place in Amarillo (top-middle of the TX red sport). The Big Texan Steak Ranch - Wikipedia

I’ve heard the Tex Mex is good in Albuquerque.

Will probably also stop in OK City and St Loius.

Any suggestions for where to eat in Albuquerque, Amarillo, OK City, or St Louis? Anywhere in between probably also works.

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OKC has an underrated food scene. Tell me what you would be into and I will make a few suggestions.

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I’d say a good steak place, but I might be all steaked out by the time we hit OKC. Assuming we’re not, steak or BBQ is probably ideal. Maybe a beer place. We’ll likely use yelp, but if there’s a particular place people know is good, especially after a long drive, that could help.

If you want (very) old school steak joint Cattleman’s is kind of neat. It is around 100 years old and it is in the old stockyard district. It is not remotely fancy though but the steaks are good but not really 2021 steakhouse fancy if you know what I mean? My favorite upscale modern steakhouse is The Ranch. If you go to the original one (N OKC) don’t let the outside or the fact it looks like it is in a weird wooden building amongst strip malls fool you, it is a very nice steakhouse experience. Red Prime would probably be my second option behind The Ranch and it is in a much better part of town for going out afterwards. It is in Uptown and a short drive, walk or trolley ride can get you to some decent bars and breweries. Sidecar is right nearby and is an excellent cocktail bar. Prarie Standard Brewery is probably the best Oklahoma brewery (especially if you like sours or stouts) and is only a few blocks away from Red Prime.

Cliffs: You want old school hit Cattleman’s, you want the best modern steakhouse with nothing around it Ranch, you want the best location plus a very good steakhouse (and by far the trendiest of the bunch) Red Prime. I know @jwax13 doesn’t eat meat anymore but I think he did at some point, has lived here longer and may be willing to chime in here.

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You also asked about breweries. I already mentioned Prarie Standard. After that I would also suggest for breweries in downtown or central OKC:

Angry Scotsman
Vanessa House

The worst ones imo are:

Bricktown Brewery (absolutely horrible do not go here)
Elk Valley (it is fairly highly reviewed but I thought all the beers were very watery and unmemorable)

I think Cattlemen’s is what we’re after, especially while listening to, probably, a history of US westward expansion. It’s also like 2 blocks off Interstate 40.

I suspect we’ll want some micro brews, but it will be a struggle between tired/hot dusty and not wanting to be hung over or interfere with 10 hr drives. Also probably want to get in some brief museum tours.

Cattleman’s is one of the more unique restaurants in town so definitely a good choice.

Seems bad!

mrs america taught me otherwise about that shitlib.

obv jk. pres carter is ok with me



Final word seems apt given that Charles Murray’s new book is set to be released soon.

Also, she has a superhero name and a couple of basketball world records.


Not even the dudes sharing Tucker clips? Are they all over 40?

My ex and I did so called “triangle tests” with Coke and Pepsi one time. In a triangle test you pour two of one thing and one of the other one, randomly, and the task is to pick the odd one out. Not only was this trivial, but we could also say which were Coke and which were Pepsi. We didn’t even need to taste them, we could do it by smell alone. I doubt Dr Pepper would present a problem.


Dimpus Burger Guy : Uhh, right. Beverage?

Farva : Gimme a litre o’ cola.

Dimpus Burger Guy : What?

Farva : [Annoyed] A litre o’ cola.

Dimpus Burger Guy : [into mic] Litrecola? Do we sell litrecola?

Thorny : Will you just order a large, Farva?

Farva : I don’t want a large farva. I want a goddamn litre o’ cola!


I got infected with ‘pop’ being way up north. I quickly got rid of it as soon as I was back down south