Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I purposefully didn’t ask if you thought you could tell the difference (I know the answer to that), but if anyone had ever actually tested it.

I also haven’t tested the difference between a monte cristo and a turd sandwich. Should we set that up too?

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Lol sure, I’ll put twenty bucks on that if you post the results on Youtube.


I’ve never done a full blind taste test, but I’ve been at restaurants where I ordered a Diet Coke, someone else ordered a regular Coke, the waitress switched the order when dropping off the drinks (in identical unmarked glasses) and we could tell the difference.

You’re on drugs.


I enjoyed this BIG LAW breakdown and rant. Seems like the discovery she made is that she’s actually conscientious and not a complete sociopath.

How about you do the youtube and I don’t pay you $20? Deal?

I’m not at all sure about this, but I suspect that I could tell the difference between Coke and Diet Coke - in general all the artificial sweeteners taste a little off to me. Never tested it though.

I am much lass confident I could tell discern between Coke/Pepsi/Dr Prepper/Cream Soda etc. Would not take a bet on that. I’m a bit skeptical that a random soda drinker could do it either.

Simmer down Chief , do you work for Big Soda or something?

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*Big Pop



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I was in the pub one Sunday afternoon with two mates, drinking very good and strong Ruddles County (or so we thought), and after six or so we realised it mustn’t have been County but Ruddles ordinary in the wrong tap.

My pal went to enquire to the landlord whether he’d got the barrels confused. He was asked if we were enjoying it anyway, and said yes, it was a nice pint. “So,” the landlord continued “what you’re really complaining about is that you’re not pissed enough.” And we agreed he was probably right.

People have done Coke vs. Sprite while pinching their nose and couldn’t tell the difference.

Fucking Hungtington Gardens - I’ve been checking in on this live feed of the corpse flower for a week - waiting for it to bloom. It finally blooms and they set the feed to private. Wtf.

Will also point out that these are field experiment conditions with important variables not under control. This is (presumably) bagged syrup combined with CO2 and water of an unknown quality through a system that may or may not have clean lines. Glassware and ice are factors as well.

As with soda taste tests, isn’t the smell a big part of the experience?

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Has anyone been to World of Coke? They have a room with the Coke-fountain-spraying cauldrons where you can taste dozens of different formulations. I’d be incredulous if any person did it and said they all tasted the same.

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What is the last empire that had a soft landing?

The English, The Dutch, The Spanish wasn’t that bad considering how bad they played their hand… Actually the last time the planets dominant empire had a truly hard landing was China.

Nobody ever gets punished for their crimes lol. We don’t necessarily deserve a soft landing but given our location I suspect we’ll get one.

Japan had a hard landing. Russia had a hard one, but bounced.

France had a bad one too.

Dominant though? You may be right.

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