Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

The building I most want to see in person is the Guggenheim Bilbao.

I saw Guernica in or around 1980 when it came to NYC. I was pretty moved by it.

I went there when I was 12.

As someone that was stopping breathing 33 times per hour and recently got a BIPAP I’ve dialed in to reduce that to 2-5/hr so far, I can attest. I feel like a different person.


What’s your caffeine intake on the daily?

A few cups of coffee before noon. Even less in the summer when it’s hot. Then maybe 1 cup. Nothing in afternoon or later really other than preworkout sometimes.

I just had English food for dinner last night: about 8 pints of bitter.


I also use this app called Oscar that you can upload your sleep data too and it tells you a lot more than the ResMed app. It shows you open airway apneas which can be caused by REM changes or waking up, and then obstructive apneas where your breathing tube is collapsing.

I think I tested around the same and now have it down to less than 0.5/hr most nights with my CPAP. I felt absolutely amazing the first couple of weeks after starting, but unfortunately it wore off after a little while. (Not that I still don’t feel better than before starting treatment, but those first couple of weeks were mind blowing.)


Heh. Reminds me of a more modest version of the scene from my first European trip to Venice:


I think my tonsils have swollen in the last year or two because I also have been getting tonsil stones (that are the most annoying shit ever) that has exacerbated the apneas. But, this winter I woke myself up gasping for air audibly crying out for air a few times. I’m pretty convinced I have been severely sleep deprived for a while leading up to getting the bipap.

No doubt you were. Your blood pressure was likely bonkers too I would expect. That’s how my apnea was discovered. BP was out of control high, to the point where the Dr. stopped the physical that was scheduled and immediately sent me into a series of tests.


Recent residents certainly diminished it for me.

Do they bite? In Utah they have so-called no-see-ums. I hate those fuckers. Worse, far worse, than mosquitoes (and I hate them too).

Do they bite :face_with_hand_over_mouth: these little ********* will tear a man apart in far quicker time than nessy can chew down a boat.

There’s tales, long tales of the dredded Scottish midge ruining many a midnight serende.


Fierce wee bastards they are, that they have their own hastag :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Ok, then. I’m not going there!

When I worked outside in Utah certain times of the year, it was a choice between stinking like deet and having any exposed skin covered with itching painful welts that didn’t go away for days. Deet wins easy.

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Are biting, flying insects the one type of annoying animal Australia doesn’t have?

They have mosquitos i’m pretty sure. They just kill you with other diseases.

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Plymouth Rock gets my vote for most disappointing famous place. It’s just a rock with a year scratched on it. So stupid.

Honorable mention goes to The Little Mermaid in Copenhagen.


Reminds me of this


That’s a great one - a shitty fenced in tiny rock ha ha.