Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Holy shit how haven’t I killed myself yet?

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If I visit London, I’m going to spend my time exploring the best of English cuisine.

Better come before the 1st January 2022 then as we’ll be involved in a massive trade war after that date and it ain’t looking like we will have much variety left.

Ohhh English cuisine, your better staying home :grin:

Glad I’m not the only one.

Vienna is indeed spectacular.

I was going to say that I’m an art moron, but the most impressive exhibition i’ve seen was an Egon Schiele in Vienna.



Maybe something involving asylum seekers. Though how many asylum seekers have a tent that nice?

I wanted to order kidney pie at an English pub in Vegas, but they didn’t have it, so that’s where my culinary mind is at.

For many I don’t think it’s luxury so much as just being pig-ignorant about how important it is. There are lots and lots of people who could get an extra hour or two if they really wanted, but they’d rather ignore the science buy into an idiotic culture of sleep deprivation like it’s a point of pride.


I’d bet that was really good. You ain’t no art moron if you appreciate that.

We went to visit the Concord Poker room & stayed for longer than expected because it was so nice & friendly.

I spoke with the Dutch pro Marcel Lüske while my mate came 2nd in the event for a tidy sum and afterwards we enjoyed some drinks while playing cash and Marcel was coaching a young dude and it was games we couldn’t leave, so booked an extra week :blush:

We went through a Park beside the Danube close to the city centre and it had all the Hansel & Gretal houses which I assume were maintained by the locals who where also staying in them at the time, that was my favourite memory as it just looked so peaceful and a beautiful place to stay.

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The endcap items are flags + lighters.

Could be a 4th of July BBQ. Might be pushing it a little there.

@Jalfrezi could recommend some places I’d think

Come off it. I never, ever eat English food out of choice, apart from the occasional Sunday roast.


Exactly :grin:

Top of St Paul’s was my favorite view when I was there. Would recommend if you have the stamina to climb to the top.

Favorite overall in the UK was Arthur’s Seat.

Not drinking beer and taking CBD oil has improved my sleep hygene immensely. Not getting good sleep is one of those things you can adapt to and not really be aware of how bad you’re dicking yourself over.


Best “landmark”/famous tourist thing for me was seeing Picasso’s “Guernica” in person. No photo does it justice, and knowing its backstory made for one of the most emotional experiences of my life.

I was the weird American standing there staring for 20 minutes with tears running down my face.

Disappointing? The Bahamas. Just, in general. Maybe I’m not a big beach person, but…meh.


I found Old Faithful to be massively underwhelming.

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Sticking my neck out here but even as a big art lover I found the whole Florence experience to be quite meh.