Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

When I saw Big Ben and Parliament it was covered in scaffolding :(

Probably the best way to view it.

There’s some great architecture and ruins in London but those aren’t part of it.

Yeah but the lense literally costs $5. It was designed to allow kids to basically build a microscope at home during the pandemic without it costing crazy money.

I enjoyed this place for the few minutes we were there as it was so warm that day I think I melted.


You mean Big Bang right?

I will never not call it Big Bang now. That was awesome.

The most interesting churches in London are the six Hawksmoors (a disciple of Wren who had his own very unusual ideas).

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Taj Mahal is kind of a letdown. Insanely crowded, long lines, and when you finally get inside all you’re rewarded with is a brief glimpse through a jali into the marble tomb.

Agra Fort is a short walk away and a much better place to spend time. It’s huge, has only a small fraction of Taj visitors, and you can comfortably spend hours exploring Mughal palace and military architecture.

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They couldn’t let it go around here for a long time.

But it actually led to a weekly appearance by him on Boston sports radio which turned into one of my favorite segments. He had a lot of really good insight that he wasn’t afraid to share.

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Hiking basically the one great thing about Ohio great parks without all the crowds of places like Yellowstone. Spent the morning seeing some old-growth forests and I’m back for lunch at a very decent brewpub.


I liked the architecture of the Getty in LA. But it seemed like just room after room of giant Renaissance art.

The White House was smaller than I expected.

The beaches in the French Riviera are pretty crappy.

I must be easily impressed because that’s about all I can think of.

Display at Costco today, I refuse to believe this wasn’t intentional.


Can Confirm.

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That’s because you can’t get within a mile of it these days. (I want to use the telephoto lens joke but I can’t quite remember exactly what that was about.)

Most spectacular city I’ve been in is probably Vienna ( Las Vegas too) for its historic buildings that are well lit & look amazing tbh.

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Sister did a DNA test thing and found out I’m 33% Scottish, which is the leading one. Scottish, Norwegian, German, English.

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Proud :hugs:

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I don’t get it. What was intentional?

Reminds me of this when I was in Zagreb

Love how somebody thought that would fool people when taking pictures of the Cathedral of Zagreb. I actually laughed out loud when I saw that. Probably didn’t sit well with others.

Man my time in Zagreb sucked.

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For teenagers, one study has shown, each hour of lost sleep comes with a 23 percent increase in the risk of tobacco, alcohol or marijuana use and a 58 percent increase in suicide attempts.

I don’t know about that but I had a come to Jesus meeting with sleep about thirteen years ago when I got really sick and didn’t sleep more than a few minutes at a time.

I don’t joke about my sleep and I don’t mess around with it. One reason I don’t really drink is it messes with my sleep a lot.

It’s horrible that so many don’t have the luxury to get proper sleep.