Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Statue of Liberty surprisingly small

Same goes for Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Old Man of The Mountain was pretty lame but luckily it offed itself RIP.

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Most disappointing famous thing I’ve ever seen is the Mona Lisa.


The landmark whose size shocked me the most when I first saw it was the “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign. The thing is like 12 feet high.

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Yeah I’d have nominated the overrated postage stamp painting and the dire Madame Tussaud’s if they were landmarks.

If it’s famous things then other things also qualify - Ed fucking Sheeran, for instance. Also, Friends - instant channel hop material.


That is a powerful ejaculation.


Just the worst!

Even if you chance upon a waxwork that resembles whoever it’s meant to be who the fuck cares? Why is it even a thing? Weird.

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The love statue in Philly is freakin tiny. But it’s always photographed to look large.

boomers, stop going to dumb shit like that and go on a real adventure into the wilderness and discover yourself.

Yosemite, Yellowstone, desert with Stim and hundreds of hippies. Best experiences of your life. lol leaning tower smh


It’s not even the name of the fucking tower dammit!

Probably the only clock less interesting than the Astronomical Clock

The best famous thing I ever saw was the Sunflower painting by Vincent, that thing is actually amazing to see IRL.

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The first time you see his paintings in the flesh you’re struck by how unusually thick the paint is and how it intensifies the experience.

Special mention to the Rothko room at the (old) Tate in Millbank.


Got to agree with this, I thought it was Atleast 3 times the size and like many tourists was very disappointed.

Got to agree here too, some of the best experiences and views of nature was when we used to just go out, pick a Loch far away and drive up, get a camp site prepped and invite some friends to party.

One weekend we had the local police drinking with us, well the 2 officers who covered the whole area.



Did you stay for the laser show?

Just wait until they combine this with a robot sex brothel and you can bone a replica of anyone you wish.

One place in the mountains let us throw a party, we just had to plant tree’s before hand. Super cool experience, only shitty thing is it was a two hour drive each way lol. Like jesus fuck can’t we plant tree’s closer.

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This one doesn’t show my face so I think it’s a good un. Me planting tree’s so we can party.

Probably like 8 years ago


Same with the length of drive or longer tbh, with winding country roads that terrify the best of drivers.

We’re allowed to do it as long as we are responsible enough with building the fires etc and that’s needed to keep the midges away…

What are midges you say…

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