Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

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Even the states themselves aren’t very uniform in most cases.

Colorado is home to very liberal places like Denver and Boulder, yet another part of the state sends Lauren Boebert to the House of Representatives.

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Yeah the divide is really urban/rural. States have very little to do with it.

How much more liberal is Seattle than Austin really? I’m sure it’s something, but the difference is inconsequential.

We say “Pittsadelphia” and “Pennsyltucky” to describe the two states of PA.

Best things in life are:
German Engineering
English Law
French Cuisine
Italian Lovemaking

Worst things in life are:
English Cuisine
Italian Law
French Engineering
German Lovemaking


Move up where people respect your raises imo.

Plenty of money in physics, not many solid.

Unfortunately my game isn’t that strong. I’d work on it if I weren’t so lazy and poor.

It’s happening in the UK too, a few we’ll paid lawyers have got a few off just in the last few weeks, hopefully the crew here in our city stay locked up as their wild.

Kinda burying the lede there.

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Just posted that at exactly the same time as you in the other (ie wrong) LC thread.

Mount Rushmore is the most disappointing major landmark I’ve ever seen in person.

I guess you haven’t been to Stone Mountain.

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Guess neither of you have seen Big Ben.

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Not true on both - I’ve been to Stone Mountain and seen Big Ben!

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I haven’t seen Big Ben in real life either because ackchyually:bell: :slight_smile:


I’ve been assured Big Ben is amazing.

I would say it’s the biggest ball of twine in Minnesota, which is not particularly large and appears to be mostly rubber bands. Also, it’s actually in Idaho. Very disappointing.

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Mount Rushmore is so bad. It is weirdly impossible to get to, then it sucks.


Here is my factoid to blow your mind.

There is a pretty good chance there are dinosaur remains on the moon ejected from earth during the Yucatan event!