Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

It’s a little clearer what may have happened yesterday. Here’s a demo of a total containment vessel like the one involved in the explosion yesterday. In yesterday’s incident, police are saying 10 pounds of explosives were detonated while the vessel was rated for 15 pounds. If that’s the case, possibly the vessel failed because of some undetected defect. It could have been damaged in previous use especially if internal pressures approached or exceeded the vessel rating.


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“Won’t even disturb the neighbors. Won’t even know we are there.”


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I didn’t know they had that kind of equipment. Where I worked we had a much smaller version of that, a “closed bomb” that we used to measure gun propellant properties. It was a very heavy chunk of steel, expensive, set up to be operated remotely, inside a steel-reinforced concrete bay. I don’t know much about this kind of pressure vessel but I wonder if they don’t incorporate some kind of fail-safe like a burst disc. Would still ruin your day but you maybe avoid the worst case.

Fuck this. Fuck all of this.

Several of the companies I’ve worked for have had “explosives” divisions, but no one outside of the division really knows what they do. I don’t think it’s a lot of disposal or demolition, it think it’s more like trying to remove concrete from a half full cement mixer.

60,000 kids.


Serious question: is this more or less than the Catholics?

Clearly less. Catholic Church has been around for over a thousand years and has 1.3 billion followers today. 60,000 is a victory lap for them

Oh I meant the us Catholics settlements alone. Yeah obviously the Catholics have had way more time to fuck kids.

Has to be less by a significant margin

A little more on the LA explosion.

Joseph Mann, a retired ATF explosives expert and former member of the U.S. National Response Team — which deploys to disasters of national significance — said the “sensitivity level” of homemade devices is the “key determination” for how to handle them.

If they were deemed volatile, a short trip into a containment vessel would seem an attractive solution, he said. “I have never heard of a containment vessel failing,” he said.

I added the bold, which is quite surprising (to me, at least).

None of the reporters went with the obvious “officer-involved explosion” headline.

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This is…real?

Must be some oxygen mixed in with the natural gas.

Y’all Qaeda update:


Re: the bolded there, that is definitely also true in Canada. We just have been taught to celebrate such.

In Winnipeg yesterday they took down a statue of Queen Victoria, been a lot of anger over the residential schools. It’s not getting the same wave of protests as BLM or anything but it’s not great!


As I say to my students, America is more like 50 loosely connected countries than a single country itself.

Given how vast the differences can be between states, it’s actually kind of remarkable that the US has lasted as long as it has.

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German court does not allow the use of the Encrochat data collected by French and Dutch police because it was warrantless surveillance. A sigh of relief goes through German organized crime.