Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

No. Mosquitoes in most of the inhabited country, seasonally. Sandflies in parts of the tropical north. Horseflies (we call them March flies) in some areas too. Where I live it’s just mosquitoes in summer.

Just chiming in to say I’m trying peppermint oil this year for mosquitoes.

I will post results later.

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Nope I read it exactly the way you did at first.

Because how often are white people at a place where they’re the only white people there?

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I feel like after “What don’t you understand?”, we should have responded with something like “It sounds like you are saying there are only white people at this gathering, you know, like at a Klan meeting”

I’m not sure he gets what the problem was.

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Even taking it the way he meant still makes him sound douchey, like the Animal House crew when they went to the bar in the ghetto.


True, but it’s a very different kind of douchey.

I believe this is what’s called “Columbusing.”

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You should tell him to check out a soul food restaurant.

It’ll blow his mind.

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Agreed. Fine line between being douchey and having heart.

White people reflect heat. Black people absorb heat, making the air around them cooler. Right?


Legit zinger. Gregorio stealth snipe level.

I am going to check that out. I have had a bipap for over twelve years and I religiously use it. The percentage of time I have slept without one in that time is incredibly small and the majority of that was when I had equipment failure.

Certainly changed my life a lot. My whole life I would get upper Respitory infections almost endlessly. I would get sick for 2-3 weeks, at least, then a month later get sick again and this went on for 35 years. Since BIPAP I can count number of those cases on one hand.

The vicious cycle for me was lack of sleep would cause me sinus congestion which would then make it harder to sleep, creating more congestion and on and on.

I am definitely someone who encourages people to sleep to get to a reasonable level. I am also terrified about the potential connection between lack of sleep and dementia. It worries me a lot.


Happy birthday to the greatest country in the history of the world!


I actually looked this up and her surgery went well.



I’d have lost my whole roll if this was Real or Onion.


Holy crap.


Missed opportunity for an epic Star Wars reference imo.

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I knew about the adjective thing, but the IAO thing is freaking me out. Big bad wolf vs. bad little boy. Crazy.

Anyone remember this Gnip Gnop?

A very shy fish, the larger they grow, the shyer they become.

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