Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

hackers doing us a favor?

Possibly slightly offensive so edited, may delete, idk.


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I dream of a day when black families can flip working class homes for a mid six figure profit just like white people.

My brother just finally bought a home near Portland. 11th offer he put in. Had to offer $120k over asking and cover $25k of future appraisal variation.

Lol housing market!

Bought 6 months too late, imo.

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The crazy thing is the people offering all cash, no inspection, no conditions.

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Yeah, that was par in the Bay for basically my whole tenure there, although you forgot the part where you do all that and write two pages of sad sack life story to help the home owner feel sorry for you and pick you. Bananas. The opportunity to get a house for a reasonable price without that sort of competition is a big reason why we moved up here (that and schools, really). Can’t believe how good my timing was, and can’t believe that it’s that ridiculous even in Portland now. I can hardly imagine what trying to by something around the Bay would be like.



But think of the poor boat builders, Riverman!

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Back in the early-mid 2000’s when the housing market was hot and I was working as an agent representing buyers(mostly in the beach adjacent areas of San Diego), my broker and I created a custom addendum for situations where our clients were one of 5-10 prospective buyers who had all been counter-offered by the seller asking for everyone’s best and final offer. Our addendum said that our offer was for $10-20k more than the highest offer they received. That trick helped us win quite a few multi-offer battles.

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Worried about my brother, who is entering the LA housing market.

They had to show us the other offer, obviously with personal details redacted. So, it was a bit of an honor system between the parties involved. The sellers were usually pretty happy about an extra $10-20k just plopping into their laps. I’d have a conversation with the seller’s agent right before I’d fax the offer to them, and it was fairly easy to get their agent on board with what we were trying to accomplish.

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My brother tried that. They wouldn’t do it. Maybe some Oregon rule.

Who buys a house no inspection unless you intend to knock it down. Just nuts.

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Reminder: it’s not just old people that die. Just found out my late stepfather’s son died of a massive heart attack. 56 years old, seemed in good health when I saw him at his father’s memorial last year. This is why I’m retiring this year. Fuck dropping dead while I’m still working.


What’s to stop me from having my cousin make an outrageous offer on the home and then your guy is on the hook for that +10k?

Does he have $8 million?

There’s got to be a bunch of people that have been out bid several times and are just desperate.