Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

If you are being serious that’s awful. Sorry to hear that!

Getty old sucks. Dealing with this stuff with my mom right now.

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Yep. My MIL’s husband went through a lot and died a little while back. My MIL I’m sure is going to get through this, but has diabetes and has been having trouble and has been to urgent care, ER, or stay in the hospital 4 times in the last couple weeks.

My mom has diabetes too. It causes so much complication. She is looking at a year in the hospital waiting for a bed in extended care.

Thank god healthcare is free here. I can’t even imagine what a year in hospital would be in the US.

It is exceedingly rare for someone to stay in a hospital for a year in the USA. There’s a case here or there, but people who require that kind of care are almost always transferred to a skilled nursing facility or long term acute care facility. That’s a good thing honestly.

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My friend who died last summer was in the ICU 8 months. They would be about to transfer him then he’d suddenly get worse. I don’t know what the bill amounted to but I’d guess it would have bankrupted me a hundred times over.


It’s super rare here too. My Mother can only go to a place that does dialysis thus the long wait. If she could go to any assisted living it would be a few weeks.

Hmmm weird. In the states we do that through assisted living/home health/SNFs and etc regularly. Dialysis sucks though, hard way to live.

My Dad did dialysis for something more than 10 years. It did make approximately half his time suck. My MIL’s previous husband did dialysis for a really long time. He had polycystic kidney disease, not diabetes. They both did that at dialysis centers. Dunno if that’s a thing in Canada or if your mom is just not able to do that. My MIL’s previous husband died on the dialysis chair. Unlike most people I’ve known who died, he died with his boots on. He rode his motorcycle to get dialysis. For him and my dad it was just as outpatients.

My MIL doesn’t do dialysis and isn’t that bad off. Her insulin routine is off and she’s having some episodes of very low blood sugar. It may have to do with eating less which may have to do with her losing her sense of smell (and thus taste for the most part) which happened after she got sick last year.

eta: All these people had insurance. All Kaiser, and my MIL has medicare too. Their plans have all been good enough that there wasn’t much cost. My plan is not nearly as good, but probably would still be fine for dialysis. What sucks about it is the deductible, but my max out of pocket is $6500, so basically a minor procedure could cost me $6500 or a heart transplant could cost me $6500. So, it’s more that I just leave minor things untreated than I will be out of luck if something serious happens.

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geez, i’m sorry to hear that, man. was around a similar situation last year (didn’t go through with it). it’s such messed up choice: life over limbs.

fuck man. another post hits close to home. my mom was on dialysis with diabetes as outpatient, around 3 years. dialysis center ended up waiving a lot of the bills instead of sending to collections, while intermittent hospital stays were covered. good luck! i hope your mom feels better.

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It’s like a modern-day Chappaquiddick.

Looks like a wolf spider, might be full of eggs. Where is this?

Kinda looks like a giant house spider to me, but idk. I use this site all the time to try to ID spiders in my back yard and am successful maybe like 1/4 of the time.

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After removing all traces of her Blackness, her appraisal magically doubled to over $100,000 more than she was initially offered. “I get choked up even thinking about it now because I was so excited and so happy, and then I was so angry that I had to go through all of that just to be treated fairly,” Duffy told the news outlet.

The discrimination complaint filed by Duffy and the FHCCI asks the Department of Justice to investigate the discrepancies between the appraisals. Nelson told the news outlet that one point of contention in the complaint is that the appraiser used homes in a Black neighborhood a mile from Duffy’s home as opposed to similar homes in her neighborhood when pulling comparable sales.


American government super concerned about pipeline capacity now that a cyberattack threatens US capacity.

Silence when Michigan threatens to shut down Canada’s or Biden shuts the KXL line.

The product in the Colonial Pipeline must be magically super safe I guess.

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