Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Ok but when I’m in England can I say “One Full Breakfast please but easy on the pudding there chief” or will everybody turn hooligan on me? The rest sounds delightful.

You could but you’d probably get one slice of BP instead of two, and instead of none which I guess is what you want.

The main debate shouldn’t be whether to BP or not to BP.

It should be whether to scramble, poach or fry.


I’d want to try a little, but not go all out in case it tastes as bad as it sounds. A little slice, a nibble, would be fine.

Whatever one’s thoughts on the matter it must be taken with something tart, usually ketchup.

Black Pudding is the all time greatest food name. Can’t imagine putting ketchup on something that sounds that cool. Dip it in Abyss Dressing imo.

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Space aliens taking notes on how best to prepare and serve @6ix this morning.

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How to serve sixty sixes?!?!?!

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Hmm I thought it was 69. Anyway you better get used to butter. They’re out there looking up Julia Child recipes right now.

Just stay at a place with a breakfast buffet. One bite of each of the stupid items, and pile on the bacon, eggs, and potatoes. Hmm, it doesn’t say potatoes, but I remember some McDonalds-worthy has browns.

Who the hell started this abomination? It must have been Henry VIII, because no one else would have the time to cook 8 different dishes in the morning. Also, you would look like Henry VIII after consuming FEB for a few decades, so that proves it.

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The best way is to ask for Stornoway Black pudding or nothing else, either way you’re onto a winner. :wink:

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[quote=“LodenPants, post:286, topic:4884”]
Henry VIII, because no one else would have the time to cook 8 different dishes in the morning.[/quote]


  1. City of London: Hawksmoor Guildhall
    A bonafide meat feast, Hawkwmoor Guildhall serves up one of the most epic full English breakfasts across London, in a prime location in the heart of the city. Dark paneled wood gives this place a classic feel, and the English breakfast here is authentic to Britain’s passion for quality meat.

Grab a friend and get the sharing plate: served in a cast-iron pan, chow down on pork, beef, and mutton sausages, a smoked bacon chop, black pudding, short-rib bubble and squeak, baked beans, fried eggs, grilled mushrooms, roast tomatoes and the unique highlight, melt-in-the-mouth grilled bone marrow. This enormous meal comes with unlimited toast, so you’re unlikely to leave hungry.


Three related thoughts:

  1. Florida is the nut low when it comes to urban planning, just an utter black hole. State government is the main reason why.

  2. I wonder how much in campaign funds DeSantis got from developers?


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Even worse than the impact fee scam is tax abatements for projects that don’t need them.

  1. Donate to local council campaign (you move the needle with like $5k, nobody gives money to these campaigns except developers).

  2. Council passes tax abatement worth millions to the developers.

  3. !!!

  4. Profit

  5. Local law firm / chamber of commerce / etc. hires former council people to $250k / year do nothing job so the next generation knows the benefit of being bought off.


Is there a reason it would be super hard to push these guys off though? It just happened here in Leander basically as I understand it. The old mayor was mega in the developers pocket and the new mayor seems to suddenly care about things like infrastructure spending.

Basically doesn’t this scam just implode the second anyone decides to push back? Like I’m picturing these guys and their 5 figures checks going up against a significantly lesser version of AOC in a local election and I don’t see them winning super often. They’re whole playbook requires nobody to ever care about local elections.

Ah I’m a bit high. I just realized that this is why the rich neighborhoods stay nice as they age. Of course this is just another form of privilege. Lol me. I find a new version if it every week it feels like.

The developers fund everyone.

This was the other thing I forgot to mention, local governments can and do grant waivers to the impact fees all the time. And yeah, that’s when it pays to have good land use attorneys who have good reputations woth the commissioners and to make sure you are donating to all the campaigns.


Lemonade has lemons. It’s lemon flavoured. The rest of those are just fruit juice.

Just sayin’