Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Ok, my second guess is:

Poo poo?

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Nah, I mean they might be some local dish Americans don’t eat, like maybe griddle-cakes or something? Honestly no idea what they’re called.


So do you never go to movie theaters?

I was thinking griddle cakes and pancakes were the same thing, but I’m not trusting google to verify this at the present moment.

Looks like the right kind of ingredients, probably close enough. Do they smell like a dead skunk in a chemical factory when you’re cooking them?

This article really sent my lawnmower into orbit.

As Florida’s roads become increasingly clogged amid the unrelenting stream of newcomers, state lawmakers have passed a bill that limits how much counties and cities can raise impact fees to accommodate that growth.

The bill, which Gov. Ron DeSantis is expected to sign into law, caps impact fee increases to no more than 12.5% in a given year and no more than 50% over a four-year period.

Developers and their lobby really hit the sweet spot for my anger and hatred of the right and selfish entitled white people and our society’s subservience to corporate interests.

For those that don’t know, impact fees are one way of making sure that infrastructure needs of an area keeps up with development. Yet, it’s always gamed by developers who claim that they are too expensive and hurt development, when really it’s just a way for them to mortgage our future by lining their pockets.

Direct impact fees on development, local officials argue, has become one of the best ways to ensure concurrency. Builders argue, however, that it is unfair and anti-competitive to allow this to become and “unlimited” revenue source.

The bill’s passage comes at a time when Florida’s need for new roads and bridges, as well as other infrastructure needs, are becoming more acute. A “report card” recently issued by the American Society of Civil Engineers found 13% of the state’s roads were in “poor condition.”

The ASCE also found that since 1984, Florida has increased its highway system by 25% while the number of vehicles using those thoroughfares has increased by 84%.

Here are some examples of the bullshit that people accept in favor of helping housing giants make more money:

“What precipitated the bill is that we had some counties make large increases all at once,” Payton said. “A phase-in of impact fees keeps predictability in the marketplace. Before, you could increase it by whatever amount. There were no limits.”

The only people that give a shut about predictability in the marketplace of McMansions and overpriced, money laundering condos are the developers profiting off the transaction, none of whom will have to deal with the consequences of the policy changes.

“There’s a tipping point to how high you can raise regulatory fees,” she said. “Right now, the average new home here is $350,000. When you raise the cost of building a new home, you’re not just hurting newcomers, you’re also hurting our kids who won’t be able to buy a home.”


Bruce Moia, chair of the government affairs committee for the Home Builders & Contractors Association of Brevard in Melbourne, said the state’s new impact fee bill helps keep home prices more affordable.

“All increases in impact fees are passed on to the home buyer,” he said. “We want to keep homes affordable. We were definitely in support of some limitation” on how much counties and cities could raise impact fees. “If there needs to be increases, that’s fine. But the increases need to be within reason.”

Is that so?

Rick Daniels, chief construction manager for Vanacore Homes in Ormond Beach, said the total cost in regulatory fees including impact fees and permits, is roughly $17,500 for each new home his company builds at its Halifax Plantation master-planned community in north Volusia County.

“The idea that developers and builders don’t pay their fair share is so much a lie, it’s not funny,” said Daniels, who served as chairman of the Volusia Building Industry Association last year. “A developer pays, first off, a development fee, then we have to turn around and put in all the roads and sidewalks and utility lines, all out of our pocket. We’re paying Volusia County a road impact fee even though the roads at Halifax Plantation will never be widened and we’re paying a school impact fee even though there probably aren’t even a dozen kids who go to school out of the 1,900 homes here.”

So what is it, motherfucker? Are the buyers paying the costs, or are you? FUCK YOU YOU SELFISH EVIL BASTARD.


Rarely. The last movie I saw in a theater I think was Cloverfield and that was only because the lead actor was a friend growing up (he was actually in one of the communist parties I’ve alluded to hanging out with before shhh don’t tell hollywood).

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Someone here, who I forget, said recently that the full english breakfast was an abomination - a description that surely belongs to the american pancake.


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“Prior to his acting career, Stahl-David was a graffiti artist in Chicago.”

Story checks out.

But do you rarely go because of the smell, or is it some other reason and the smell doesn’t bother you at a theater?

I thought my inability to eat cilantro was the worst food thing but not liking butter would be brutal! :grinning:

The characters in Cloverfield were older than we were but I remember being at a party like that and he didn’t want his parents to notice any alcohol missing so he mixed up a drink for me that had a sliver from every bottle. Not like, whiskey and gin, but whiskey and gin and mint schnapps and buttery rum and what not. I threw up out of my nose.

It’s some other reason; the way I handle the smell is barrel rolling and crawling on my stomach like the enemy is trying to mustard gas me on the frontline.


Little chasing YTs this morning and this dude from Running Man and Stir Crazy



Graduated from MIT in CS, was an amateur opera singer (did the singing in Running Man) and was on the bench as a heavyweight Olympic wrestler. Being a giant dude not worth it though…died at 34 of heart failure.


I’m gonna google Full English Breakfast.

Lol it has its own wikipedia page, that’s how uniform the definition is?

Was it the black pudding part? Or were the beans throwing them off?

Something tells me Black Pudding is not Chocolate Pudding.


All puddings matter.


oh God help me

What kind of edgelord wanted it to be called Blood Sausage?

But not all puddings are equal…not all are for the same course.

Yorkshire pudding
Steak and kidney pudding
Black pudding

none are a desert