Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Everyone effs things up on vacations, especially with little kids, by planning too many activities.


Staycation clearly means getting a hotel in or near your hometown.

If you sleep in your own bed then you just went to the park and had a fancy dinner.


'Round these parts, staycation means taking day trips based from home.

Our tourist ads call those daycations.

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Plus days off work. I have done staycation before where we took a week off work and went to museums, had a couple of fancy dinners out, enjoyed some patio cocktails, etc. Its basically what we would do if we flew to another city, we just left out the travel. It was actually pretty great.


My family was also poor. Going to a nearby city with a cool pool in their hotel were staycations to us.

Didn’t mean you in particular, the other people that said they were poor itt. Sorry.

My best childhood staycation was during an extra hot and humid stretch of a midwest summer, and my sister who has asthma was really struggling. In an attempt to avoid a hospital visit we all camped out in my dad’s office at work which had AC. I got to play a “learn to type” game on his Apple II and read books. Now that I think about it…that was more like school than a vacation.

You gotta pretend like you don’t care, and act aloof. Then people will think you’re mysterious. Then they’ll care. That’s the con.

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Get yourself one of these handsome tees and you’ll be set. Fools 'em every time.

Straight Rainbow T-Shirt | straight pride

Gumby was pretty messed up sometimes.



Was Megan Rapinoe drafted in back in the 22 SE “Getting the Haters MAD” draft? Because she’s looking like a first round value. Misogyny Twitter is aflame over Victoria’s Secret bringing her on board to help with a less sexist, more empowering branding redesign.

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More unions should be out there blasting the things they brought their members.


I’m not in Texas, but I have one of those. Last year it was on for about 2 hours total. Yesterday tied the highest recorded temperature in Salt Lake City EVER, 107 F. It got to low 80s in my apartment. Meh, that’s not uncomfortable for me.

Major heat waves are always going to be a problem for any grid, just like cold snaps, but damn it’s irritating because we had the electrical grid catastrophically fail this winter and the Texas legislature spent the session passing right wing nut job laws and did nothing for the grid and now they’re telling us we have to conserve so the grid won’t fail again.

Yeah, sorry. Doesn’t seem like there’s much you can do if people are going to vote for hateful jackasses and that happens to be correlated with being technically incompetent morons.

Going to have to go with the consumption tax along with getting rid of all the clown loopholes