Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide


14 hours for a normal 2 hour flight. Three different airlines transferred to, 3 delayed flights, one broken deicing machine, and broken fuel truck and a Karen yelling at the poor counter girl but I made it home.

Travelling is no fun right now.


I see that you were shot with an AK 47, would you like to buy an AK 47?


I mean if you sign on to be a supervisor and they force you to go pick the cotton even once a month it’s understandable that you’d be annoyed.

so i drove back in a very dark Target parking lot and hit some dude in a land rover and probably scratched his front grill or whatever its called (it was too dark to see).

bastard was sitting in a handicap parking with no lights on but he was parked and i hit him :(

never got into an “accident” here. i gave him my insurance card. is there an amount I’m better off paying him to repair it without involving the insurance or it doesn’t work that way here?

Yea its generally worth it to negotiate something outside the insurance. But it also kinda depends if this guy wants to get it fixed to perfection, which probably means a pricey repair in the Land Rover shop, which probably isn’t worth it. Or if he’s okay with some auto shop just buffering it up or whatever and then pocketing a few hundred on top of that. But the nicer the car, the less likely they’re gonna go for the cash deal.

I did this once when I put a tiny blemish/dent in someone’s bumper, I paid him a few hundred cash on the spot and that was that. But it was an older Toyota.

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i cant even understand what my deductible is if i just tell him to contact my insurance. all i see is “property damage liability - $25,000”.

i clearly hit his grill or whatever it’s called on the right side of the plate but it was too dark to see how much damage that was

Right, this is where the status quo of the US selling arms to Taiwan and making vague proclamations of support while strengthening ancillary alliances (Australian sub deal) actually makes sense, even though it seems super dumb. Like, Taiwan is obviously a country, so it seems dumb to pretend it isn’t, but if we acknowledged reality and said, yes Taiwan, you’re a country, that would be incredibly inflammatory. Yeah, it’s annoying to havre to deny that obvious truth to humor China. It’s like talking to a four-year-old about his imaginary friend to avoid a temper tantrum. But when that four year old has nukes and a large military budget, well, let’s humor them.

There hasn’t been a naval battle between peer powers since the 1970s and that was between third rate peers India and Pakistan. I doubt anyone really knows how a naval war between the US and China over China would go. Some people in the USN and PLAAN probably know how it might go down but they aren’t all that talkative. The Chinese are building an impressive fleet of ships on paper, in any case.

It should be in your policy somewhere. You can always call you agent tomorrow morning and they can tell you what it is.

This kind of thing sucks because there is a whole industry of auto body shops whose main goal is to come up with the most expensive, yet thinly justifiable repair method. In most cases when someone goes to a business owner for an estimate to provide a service, the business owner has some incentive to be competitively priced, as the customer might go somewhere else.

However, in this case, the customer isn’t actually paying, so they really don’t give a shit how much it costs, And often times in their mind if it costs more that means they are going to do a better job (which is probably not actually true).

Often what will happen is that at some point he will call you and tell you that the shop estimated it will cost many thousands of dollars to repair it, but you seem like a nice guy and if you just pay him $X, then he will forget the whole thing. He will probably propose a value of $X is something a little higher than your deductible (to account for the fact that your rate will go up if there is a claim). You will counter with something less than that because you both know that he just wants the cash and (probably) doesn’t actually care about the damage (if he actually does, then none of this applies and the whole thing plays out a bit differently).

He will then just pocket the $X and not actually get any work done. He gets some free cash for a scratch that he didn’t actually give a fuck about. And you paid less than you would have paid in the long run if you went through insurance.

If he is really jerking you around, just tell him to fuck off and go through the insurance. You’ll pay more, but at least it will be a pain in the ass for him.


There is usually no deductible for liability insurance, so they will cover all of it up to the 25k max. The reason to not call them is to avoid more expensive insurance, but my rates weren’t raised when I was at fault a few years ago.

Yea if it goes through insurance they’ll just handle everything, but then they’ll generally start jacking your premiums. Mine doesn’t have a deductible for me doing damage to other cars, but a small one (a few hundred dollars) if something happens to mine.

Mine has a $1000 deductible for any claims. But I assume that gives me a discount on the rate.

dumb q, but how does it go when i switch insurance companies?

The insurance companies have a shared database of claims.

can i plead not guilty because he was parked in a handicap spot?

Your insurance company’s lawyers could possibly try that tactic on your behalf, but something tells me that’s not gonna work.

So the only accident I’ve had with another car it was at night and rainy as fuck. There was another accident on the freeway and this idiot stopped in the middle of the freeway. Like complete stop. Wasn’t involved in the accident at all, I think she just saw an accident and came to a complete stop in a different lane in a super dark area and with the rain thundering. Visibility was pretty bad.

Anyways I tried to stop but completely hydroplaned and had zero control of the vehicle. I ran into the back of her. Wasn’t too bad for her, she had a pretty big SUV. Pretty much totaled my car because she had the toe hitch on and it went through all my shit and car was only worth like 2k at the time so just did the CA retirement thing for 1k

I reported it to my insurance and gave them her info and told them what happened. They told me she called and reported it too. Never heard back from them.

Don’t you always have a deductible to pay? I had a shitty 2001 Mitsubishi so I only had basic coverage. Surprised I never had to pay anything. Wonder if I just slipped through the cracks?

In my experience (in IL) the deductible is to fix your car. You don’t pay anything if you do damage to the other car/person. And if your car is totaled then of course you don’t have to pay anything either.

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