Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

The people who went into the left lane to turn left must have been thinking, “This is so easy!”



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Practical physics question: To avoid spilling when pouring liquid out of a carafe, server, or another vessel, is it better to pour

  • Slow
  • Quick
  • Slow at first then quick
  • Quick at first then slow
  • Drink from the carafe

0 voters

I think slow at least at first is right, then you can speed up but not too much. You want to establish a laminar flow of coffee over the surface of the spout (fluid velocity at the fluid/solid interface is zero). But since you’re pouring it out, there’s a discontinuity where the fluid leaves the spout. You want to manage turbulence there, so don’t add too much energy to the fluid by pouring fast. Apparently, I suck at fluids so this doesn’t always work and I can’t avoid spilling at least a few drops most of the time.

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poll needs a stop flirting with waitress option


I was thinking of you, ha.


Hmm, that might be my problem in that it could be I tend to rotate the spout so that some fluid goes over the side and the flow is outside the spout at that location. Need to pay closer attention. Thanks!

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Man, Rod Dreher is so awesome.

Bret Stephens has written a million pieces around the theme “why Democrats need to appeal to center-right shitheads like me” and they are all unreadable garbage. By contrast, Rod Dreher’s central theme is “Why the male asshole is the most captivating yet terrifying thing in the world” and all his pieces on this theme are awesome. I am not really being ironic about this. Stephens is an example of a guy who writes deliberately in such a way as to obscure his real thoughts and feelings. I read Rod and I understand what it’s like to be a closeted guy frightened by the idea of college students eating ass. He puts his psyche right out there on the page. The man is an artist.


Probably just eats too much avocado toast.

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Anecdotal but the number of middle class heroin addicts I met as a prosecutor in the mid - late 2000’s who started off with a legal opiate prescription and ultimately progressed to heroin was quite high. There were a shocking number of marginally functioning, falling out of the middle class, heroin addicts. (Who ultimately ended up as the victims of, or witnesses to, violent crime, which is how I crossed paths with them).

Yeah that was super common. Back injury, car accident, whatever. Doctors fucking overprescribed the shit out of opiates. Then the same doctors cut off the opiates and the patients turned to street oxy. Then that became too expensive and they ended up on the cheapest street opiate, heroin. I still remember I got a root canal and the endodontist prescribed me 20 fucking hydros. I took one ibuprofen and was fine. That shit was out of control.

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Legal opiates popularized illegal ones though, and once that happened the damage was done. When I first started as a prosecutor, heroin was almost unheard of, it was all cocaine. By the time I finished my career as a prosecutor cocaine was almost unheard of, it was all heroin (and to a lesser extent meth).

Dopesick was pretty informative and good I thought although kind of boring at times through the series. Still glad I watched it.

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That’s got to be micro stakes compared to investing with more knowledge than the rest of us.

I don’t put it on the doctors (for the most part), I think they were duped like everyone else.

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Legal opiates popularized illegal ones though,

This, imo, is bullshit. People still are getting into illegal ones despite massive cutbacks in the legal ones. I’m definitely outside the mainstream on that position, but I like were I am.

and once that happened the damage was done.

That’s not really how it works. You don’t use heroin once (or even a few times) and are addicted.

When I first started as a prosecutor, heroin was almost unheard of, it was all cocaine. By the time I finished my career as a prosecutor cocaine was almost unheard of, it was all heroin (and to a lesser extent meth).

That’s because that’s what you were dealing with in law enforcement. I saw tons of cocaine, pcp, etoh, (but less meth in NYC). Hell, cops brought them in to us so they didn’t have to deal with them.

If you want my nuclear hot take, the use of heroin isn’t the real problem. It’s the use of impure shit laced with fentanyl using dirty needles.

The people I met were already addicted long before they tried heroin for the first time. Very few people were like “You know what? I think I’ll try heroin today.” Also, fentanyl is bad, but that seems to be a more recent thing.

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heroin, fentanyl, and more aren’t bad. They’re drugs. They’re neither good or bad.

The bad is the random amounts of fentanyl in drugs and tainted supply in general.

Harris Wittels, best known as a writer for Parks & Recreation, talked about how he went from pills to heroin because he could get way more heroin for the same amount of money and going from snorting pills to injecting heroin got him waaaaay higher.

It was just remarkable how many people i met with the exact same story. Every single time. The pills eventually got too expensive on the street (after they had been cut off by a doctor), and heroin was cheaper. It was shocking to me just how much everyone had the same damned story. Meanwhile they were always my witnesses on drug related homicides because I somehow ended up catching all the murders where the victim was selling heroin.