Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

It’s been nearly 30 years since then-Gov. Bill Clinton took a break from the campaign trail to oversee the execution of death-row inmate Ricky Ray Rector. Morally, it may have been repugnant to kill a man so mentally handicapped by a failed suicide attempt that he set aside the pecan pie of his last meal because he was “saving it for later.”

Politically, it was essential.

By the early 1990s the American left had spent a generation earning a soft-on-crime image in an era of growing lawlessness. In 1988, Mike Dukakis secured the Democrats’ third landslide loss thanks in no small part to his stalwart opposition to the death penalty. Four years later, it was difficult to imagine any Democrat reaching the White House without a literal blood sacrifice to the gods of law and order.

I mean this is more bone chillingly sadistic than any horrors that can be conjured out of anything but a Stalinist tankie on the left. I mean even the ‘pro riot’ position, whether you agree or not, is at least about property. I don’t know anyone who’d be like ‘look sometimes you just have to kill people’


An editorial in the paper of record citing a book called “San Fransicko”. Nice.



That was bloody dangerous and nowhere to go for those people. It looks like that is a relatively young bear that woke up from hibernation and will be pretty hungry and unpredictable at that point.

Read some more comments and apparently the instructor is leading the bear away from others and that is not uncommon over there. Time to skie somewhere else.

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While the prospect of self-replicating biotechnology could spark concern, the researchers said that the living machines were entirely contained in a lab and easily extinguished, as they are biodegradable and regulated by ethics experts.

I’ve seen enough movies to know how this will go and I for one welcome our new robot overlords.


If the robots will take good care of the dogs I am happy to cede control of the planet to them.

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That quote…


Latest culture war update. Turns out saving people from drowning is now a divisive issue with two sides to it.

I mean, weren’t people getting arrested for leaving water in the desert for immigrants coming across the Texas wilderness?


Some rather hilarious Leopards Eating Faces: Tankie Edition news this week

Monkey-faced sex pest and CCP bootlicker Tom Fowdy has been banned from publishing in Chinese state media after writing an op-ed in RT expressing that the Peng Shuai situation highlights China’s inability to win communication wars with the west.

He is now begging people on Chinese social media to contact CGTN to get him unbanned. Motherfucker genuinely thought CCP valued him for his insights.

Hilton decided to take my points I booked with. Charge me full price for the room instead and also throw on an extra night for shits and giggles on my weekend Chicago trip. Pretty good service you got there!

I don’t know why but this clause made me laugh. Look guys, it’s not a problem. They’re contained by the … POWER OF REGULATION. (Also if they do get out they won’t harm the environment)

I am very much in favor of philanthropy but this Giving Tuesday is making me at least slightly regret it. Absolutely bombarded with emails and texts today.

Take it as an opportunity to unsub from any of them that you are not going to donate to. After 6 months or so of unsubbing, my inbox is fairly well under control. Also, use throwaway email addresses that you can just delete if you get spammed.


After 55 years, Barbados has officially severed ties with Queen Elizabeth II — and one of its first actions as the world’s newest republic was to honor global superstar Rihanna with the title of “national hero.”


No one remembers this? Literally the same thing we do to terrorists.

The difference is, unlike the UK, the USCG is a professional paramilitary force, with the consequent difference in response.

I like the Coast Guard, they went looking for me a few weeks ago.

Found you, I would say. Or no? Also curious.

I was in a small inflatable boat about 100 yards off the beach that flipped over. I couldn’t right it, so I decided to swim for shore. A minute after I made it, a CG boat arrived after someone on shore called it in.


Do you were a short iron shot to shore?

£100,000,000 well spent. Glad it didn’t go to any poor people or foreigners.