Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Damnit nerds when you post stuff like this post details about it!


I honestly could not find a non-right-wing source at the time.

White conservatives think that racism is like Fight Club. THE FIRST RULE OF RACISM IS THAT YOU NEVER TALK ABOUT RACISM!!!

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Does the Salvation Army still hate gay people?


Yeah pretty surprising coming from them. Thought they were hardcore Christian.

Neoliberal identity politics


So is the second half.


“Force labor” is already such a loaded term though. What’s wrong with “Strongly encouraged productivity in service to the Motherland”? Why aren’t Uighurs more grateful for these opportunities?

Maybe should go in the space thread.


We must never do anything good lest it upset the world’s biggest assholes. What could go wrong?

Well for the curious, the issue with my PC was apparently Adaware Web Companion, which might not technically be malware, but it was the culprit. According to Windows, it had been on my system since 2019, but it wasn’t causing any problems until now. Not sure why, but it’s nuked from orbit and never to return. @Fatboy8


Good to hear. Probably a good idea to go though and uninstall any apps that you don’t use.

Yeah, always good advice. I generally accomplish this by not installing shit and then not having to worry about what’s there, but that does leave you vulnerable to installing something inexplicably and dropping my guard against what’s already there.

Been a while that strategy stopped working for me. Fucking Windows, man.

There’s also a movement of sorts in the mental health community to recognize pedophiles this way so as to remove stigma and encourage treatment / help-seeking which in turn would lead to less child abuse.

Yeah, this is something I support and it’s pretty obvious nobody with sexual feelings towards children chose to be that way, because it would be an amazingly poor life choice. That said, I saw the story ggoreo posted elsewhere and loled, because “minor-attracted people” is so incredibly tone-deaf. This is a subject people have understandably strong feelings about and cultural change around how we regard people with this paraphilia is going to have to happen a lot more gradually than that.

Edit: The book sounds interesting though. I would assume we are massively underestimating the percentage of people who are sexually attracted to children to a limited enough extent that they are capable of not acting on it, because it’s not like they’re ever going to tell anyone about it. Assuming that all those people will go on to sexually assault children is like assuming that all incels will be rapists.

Absolute insanity. Dude is straight up laughing and filming instead of booking it as fast as possible.

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It looked like he was trying to steer the bear away from the group as to get everyone downhill past the threat.

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