Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide


Holy shit, the email he wrote over the removal of a single word from one of his columns is something else:



it would be cool if it was upside down chess

This should go in the rant thread but I can’t find it.

I live in a development of all 4 and 5 bedroom houses and a shit ton of kids. There’s a motherfucking social contract that you give out candy on Halloween. Like half the houses were dark. Fuck that. They should get their houses egged.


In case you feel like x-posting:

this would make a great SNL skit

Also, the houses that gave out jolly ranchers should be doubly egged

Ordinarily, I’d agree, but I’m gonna give them a COVID pass. Having a bunch of unvaxxed kids who go to school with a bunch of other unvaxxed kids yelling trick-or-treat at you non-stop for several hours seems suboptimal. Sure it’s more or less outdoors, and you can mask and vax yourself. But if someone gave me that excuse, I’d wouldn’t go off on them, even though the risk should be very low.

I’ll definitely cosign this one, though.

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So do I, but they only trick or treat on a few of the flatter, well-lit streets. Thanks be to jesus that my street is both dark and hilly.

We run in a neighborhood where most houses that participate just put a bowl on the stoop with a sign that says to take one or Krampus will come get you. It’s win-win

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a weak excuse. Barely acceptable.

That would be another way to get around the risk issue.

You really hate trick-or-treaters that much?

Had the starting time perfect, but didn’t get a single trick-or-treater after 7:15.

Had about 30 kids total, peaking between 6:00 and 6:15.

Bought candy the last few years and had zero people stop by so lights off it is.


Bought candy the last few years and had zero people stop by so lights off it is.

this. I don’t hate them. I just got pissed that they never showed up and I gained 5 pounds just for looking at the candy I didn’t give out…so now I’m happy to keep my lights off.

Yeah, we used to buy candy, but after a few years of pitching shutouts, we stopped doing it. We’ve had one group of trick-or-treaters in a decade. We’ve got enough candy just lying around the house to handle that.

Going dark isn’t an option. Wife loves all things Halloween.

That group was quite a surprise. We gave them quite a large assortment of weird stuff because we were frantically trying to find something. Now we’re prepared enough that we can handle about 10 kids with decent candy that we really shouldn’t be eating ourselves anyway.

last two years we put out individual bags on a table outside because of covid obv, and my partner is like “this is really nice, no doorbells, etc”. all 50 bags we made and extra 100 pieces of candy was gone before 7:15.

Crazy. I barely even see kids out in my area.