Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Oh good. I thought I was the only one who felt this way. I honestly feel quite a bit better.

Yeah. They block off a street in our neighborhood, so there’s a whole block party vibe, but the houses are a mix of a few late-20s folks drinking beers with their friends on the porch plus a bunch of grandparents indulgently handing out like 7 pieces of candy per kid. It’s nice.

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Had 6 trick or treaters this year, and 6 patients on my shift during the day (normal is about 20). Solid year

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I was with you until this. Jolly Ranchers are fucking awesome and anyone wanting to egg a house over getting jolly ranchers should be justifiably shot.


Disagree. IMO anyone who shoots a kid for egging a house because they gave out Jolly Ranchers deserves 100 hours of community service.


As most of you probably already know, there is a Streamlined Sales Tax Governing Board that has the goal of simplifying and modernizing sales and use tax administration. Currently, 24 states have adopted the proposals of the board.

Something interesting about the treatment of candy. The formal definition is this:

“Candy” is defined in Part II of the Library of Definitions to mean a preparation of sugar, honey, or other natural or artificial sweeteners in combination with chocolate, fruits, nuts or other ingredients or flavorings in the form of bars, drops, or pieces. “Candy” shall not include any preparation containing flour and shall require no refrigeration.

Which means that something like KIT KAT (which contains flour) is not considered candy, and (as a general food item) is generally untaxed, while most traditional Halloween would be taxed as candy.

This unwarranted favorable treatment of KIT KAT is going to be one of my top voting issues tomorrow.


Counterpoint - the matcha Kit Kat I get at the Asian market is awesome and should be further subsidized IMO.

Well, now I’ve fallen down a rabbit hole of irritation. Hershey seems to be insistent that it’s properly labeled KIT KAT®, yet the actual wrappers are clearly in lower case.

Like, the registered trademark symbol is even in the internet address, which I’ve never seen before.


You sound stressed out. Have a Break. Have a Kit Kat.



Just saw this. I was really hoping it was a literal giant 2-pound KitKat, but alas…

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Hershey makes bad chocolate. Never had the generic version, but it looks ok.

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Better make it King-size (nat sorts out your kitkat issues).

Note: kitkat specific content begins at 1:05.


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Adding a flat 15% service charge on top of a bill just seems weird to me. Raise the prices of your items to reflect what you need to pay a living wage.

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I haven’t verified it myself. Just believing tweets like this:

It also gives me some PTSD from my childhood, when my dad (a very frugal person) made a big scene in a grocery store. In NJ, most food purchased in a grocery store is exempt from sales tax. But some food that is considered to be “prepared food” is taxable. So my dad got into an argument with some poor worker about whether some particular item was “prepared” or not.

I’m sure I’m becoming my dad, but I really hope I never find myself doing that.

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