Wild fire season 2021

Her BF said something concerning about clearing their gutters and closing vents. That’s well and good, but they shouldn’t try to protect their house. I’m not against that in principle, but, you know, my daughter is there, and also their house is pretty indefensible I think. There are immense trees very close.

They have a car ready to go and packed and the local FD says there’s no immediate danger though.


Sounds like the BF is on top of it and she’s in good hands. Nothing more they can do if they’re packed and ready to go, no reason not to clean gutters at this point even if it makes very little difference. Dads gonna dad though but I think she’ll be good.


That’s what the sunset in New Mexico has looked like all this week.

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This is the evacuation map for the CZU lightning complex, it’s looked the same for the last 2 days so Aptos seems fairly safe.


Man, that map. Have they closed 17?

17’s still open as far as I know, last time I checked the fires were still a few miles away. There was smoke everywhere and debris from the fires coming down in the part of Scotts Valley that’s right next to 17 though.

Is the fire spreading north, then? My brother in San Mateo says the smoke is really bad.

It might be, I’ve been mostly checking the east edge of the evacuation zone so the San Mateo fires might be growing without me noticing. The fires have joined up a bit since the last time I saw them on the map:

The blob to the south used to be a smaller separate blob.

The smoke might also be from the SCU Lightning complex a few miles east of San Mateo, which is an even bigger fire than the CZU complex.

They are ready to go if it moves that way, but San Mateo seems safe for now

Just drove past this fire. Didn’t see the planes because it’s dark now, but you can easily see the flames from the 215.


It’s easy to forget because of our current pandemic, and our current racial reckoning, we have a climate change issue that might be the fucking worst of all. Trump is fucking great on all three. Thanks Awval.


Yep. We are shattering the September record in Sacramento today. 110 plus. 2 degrees hotter than the previous record set 32 years ago

All-time records being set all over SoCal. Thermometer at my house reads 111 right now, others in my neighborhood have been up to 117 today. And there’s smoke in the air from a fire in the forest.

It’s just God hugging us tighter, enjoy the warm embrace!

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this one is south of me, but the smoke is wreaking havoc on the air quality in downtown SD and the beaches. Really shitty for folks who don’t have AC and now can’t open the windows for the tiniest bit of ventilation because of the smoke.

Well I think the smoke is starting to block out the sun, which knocked us down a few degrees. Things are looking up!

You want warm, try telling God what you really think of Him.

Nuclear winter vs global warming: A titan against a titan!!!

I’ve posted that scene before if you haven’t noticed. Those witches are one of my favorite things in all movies ever.

Such arseholes…