Who will run in 2020?

I feel I would be remiss if I didn’t share this here. I helped make a thing. Making it was easy (it’s just a modified nationbuilder template). Managing it is gonna be the real work. I have learned over the past few months that there are a shit ton of people that social media doesn’t reach, so we had to do this. Facebook is fine to start out your organizing with, but old people (and lots of GenZ, actually) don’t do so hot with anything but email and “real” websites.

It’s why I take twitter, reddit, and facebook polls and sentiment with a huge grain of salt.



Well, if you come at the former senator from MBNA, you best don’t miss.

It doesn’t have to about his cokehead son hooking up with his other son’s widow.

‘As long as people like Joe Biden are heading the party, there’s no one looking out for the little guy,’ – Elizabeth Warren according to one of her allies during the 2002 bankruptcy fight.

I suspect she’s going to go after him in a substantial way… which is to say that she’s going to level extremely fair criticisms of his actual record. Honestly is there anything anyone can come up with where Joe Biden was on the right side? He’s a standard bought-and-paid-for corporate Democrat, and as one of the higher profile ones he bears a large share of the responsibility for the situation we’re in now politically. Fuck him seriously.


Yeah, and brought a lot of new people into politics, like, say, AOC who was an organizer for him in 2016.

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Um, I’m not sure, to be quite honest with you,” Mr. Biden said. “I hadn’t planned on running again.

That was his response to “How badly do you want to be president?”

McGrath was the only one Schumer actually got to run so of course her campaign immediately torpedo’d itself.

what did she do? I thought this was pretty effective:


She had some initial interviews / ads where she was pretty pro Trump. She said that she would have voted to confirm Kavanaugh (and then backed down from the statement within a few days after she caught some heat, and seemed to argue that Trump actually wants to do some of the populist stuff he promised during the campaign, but that Mitch was blocking progress on those issues. Basically she looked at the polls that have Trump as more popular than Mitch, and tried to argue that she would help Trump do the stuff you want him to do, but I won’t be as stodgy and corrupt as Mitch.

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The DNC’s obsession with recruiting candidates who are combat Marines or whatever just never pays off.

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Conspiracy theory - What if Biden was told to run purposefully to help old conservative/moderate voters warm up to progressive ideas that Warren and Bernie are pushing for. He runs, says he’s against them, then has some sort of an ‘ah ha’ moment where he withdrawals (as planned all along), and tells his followers that he had it wrong and the progressive platform is the future, and tells conservative/moderate dems to go vote for Bernie/Warren.

swing voters don’t think they were wrong the last time. They might have chicken for dinner one day and steak the next, they would never think that’s a sign that they’ve grown or learned anything.

That sounds nice. Too bad we’re not in the nice timeline


Biden is running so that the conservatives who are embarrassed by Trump still have a center right party to work with.

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george will emailed him like 50 times so i guess he has to run even though he didn’t really want to

They’ve done okay in the House. I think vets represent eight of the 40 or so flipped House seats since Trump’s election. This number is higher if you include Abigail Spanberger (CIA Dem who beat Dave Brat) and maybe some other former intel guys/gals I don’t recall (psy op imo).

Being a troop and running on troopness in a conservative state is fine. Jason Kander way exceeded expectations with that line in 2016. It’s really just the flip flopping on Kavanaugh that’s inexcusable.

He’s got charisma in spades when he’s being authentic. He was polling low and then El Paso happened, and he said fuck it and spoke his mind and let forth his authenticity… and now he’s finding his groove, especially on this issue.

And then we hear The Rock’s music, and he runs down to the ring and takes out Trump with a steel chair, but look out, it’s Pence out of nowhere with a Bible to the head. The Rock is down for the count. Pence is tending to Trump, helping him to his feet, when we hear… Oh my God, is that Stone Cold’s music??? Austin sprints into the ring, hits the double Stone Cold Stunner, and grabs a beer with Elizabeth Warren for the win.

That’s only slightly more crazy than your theory.

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I think he authentically cares about the issue, but I also think he saw the reaction to that curse-laden reply he gave to the reporter and decided this is his lane.

It was discussed briefly on Chapo and the consensus, with which I agree, is that the problem is that the props he’s getting for this are basically not going to translate into votes at all, because it’s not the top issue for many people. Look at this forum. Appreciative noises being made about his stance on the issue, but is anyone actually switching their vote to Beto on the basis of this? No, right?


Definitely not switching my vote over this issue. If he took this type of stance on other issues, maybe, but then I’d also be like, “Cool, but where was that a few months ago?”

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I don’t blame people for voting their heart ever really, but not voting for whoever has the best chance at winning the nomination between Bernie and Liz is pretty bad electoral strategy. If someone else makes a surge, then fine maybe voting for them is good, but Biden is just that bad.