Who will run in 2020?

Yo, fuck Iowa. How the hell did this hillbilly-ass state become this significant in our politics. Oh look, you deep-fried a waffle and wraped it in bacon, how clever. Even your fucking corn game sucks; we feed that shit to hogs and eat the corn grown in Florida. Your state is like Indiana but less cosmopolitan.

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You should go back and mainline the Veep episodes any time she goes to Iowa. They’re priceless.

As always, great strategy by the Dems to make sure one of their early, high-profile events is held at a state fair in the whitest place on earth. If you stand at the event horizon of the Iowa State Fair and throw an ancho chili pepper at it, the pepper will be repelled back at you at supersonic speeds; it’s the only known white hole in our universe. But in the end, all that pandering is totally worth it to win over those sweet, sweet six electoral college votes that are voting Trump 100% of the time.


So true. So very very true.

Really need that compact where states agree to all collectively ship their electors to the winner of the popular vote once you get 270 votes worth of states to sign the compact. Any state that isn’t a swing state, and that’s like 43 of them, should be interested. As small a number as 1 over 120 million is, it’s huge compared to how much your vote counts if you aren’t in a purple state.

they do. here’s the total as of tonight:

byt the way, I’m wondering in what world the New York times lives in. I mean, click on the link above, it very clearly shows that Pete and Warren are tied for second behind Biden. And yet:

Not that this is in any way scientific, but the narrative is kinda gross to me. And Sanders and Harris, I’m sorry to say, are nowhere near the top, despite the Times trying very hard to make it so.

Imagine if the Dems skipped the Iowa State Fair and went to a Hispanic heritage event in Arizona, Florida, or Virginia. Actual potential voters who need to be energized to get up and vote. But no, we have to have them all marvel at butter sculptures carved by daughters of agribusiness millionaires because respecting our nation’s rustic heartland is important for some reason.

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This rant is actually hilarious.

Goddamn I lived in Indiana for five fucking years I am going to unload both barrels on the Corn Belt any fucking chance I get.

Sanders is second in 4 out of 7 of the national polls this month. I don’t think the Times has to try that hard.



We need liberals who approach politics in a way inspired by Deadpool.

Can’t have been much better than Florence, KY. I lived in that shithole for two years getting into freight brokerage. Goddamn did I hate that town.

the article that quote is from is specifically about the state fair kernel poll

Iowa caucus winners:
2016: Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz
2012: Barack Obama, Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum or Ron Paul, depending on when you asked
2008: Barack Obama, Mike Huckabee
2004: John Kerry, George W. Bush

I think the importance of Iowa decreased a bit after Tom Harkin took 76% of Democrats in 1992. I don’t think there was any candidate whose campaign was unfairly torpedoed by a poor showing in Iowa. It sucks up a lot of air because it’s first, but I don’t think it is quite as significant as the media makes it out to be.

I think it’s important for breakout candidates (for example, the Iowa win basically made Obama’s campaign viable). But it won’t torpedo Biden if he gets second.

I will say one thing for Iowa…the people seem to actually be politically engaged. Better than walking down the street in CA and people can’t even tell you who Warren is.

No, it’s not. The sentence immediately above where the picture is cut off says “Here’s what we learned about the state of the Democratic primary contest:” based on being in Iowa for a week or whatever.

The picture in question was posted on a reddit thread titled “the face of the oligarchy”. That’s more than neoliberalism and divisive as shit

I have no idea why you get so worked up about some picture that some random posted on the internet.


The stupid “mayor Pete is being slighted” tweet and the reactions to it are the exact same stuff you see from Bernie people. Your average internet person is not very smart and is enthusiastic to post good stuff about their candidates and bad stuff about their opponents. I don’t see why it’s a problem, unless we’re talking about the kind of harassment skydiver mentioned a few days ago.