Who will run in 2020?

Just say Mexico will pay for it…that seemed to work.


Yep. And it became a running joke and a way for her to get slammed from all sides, including Bernie purists.

To his credit, Sanders avoided all that by just pullig off the bandaid and providing the sound-bite, but there’s no getting around the fact that that will come at some cost if he’s the candidate in the general. Hopefully it’s a cost that’s mostly evened out by what he gains in being a straight-talker or whatever.

When all is said and done and people still think about staying home you should need only one last line of defense: Highlight the age of current SC judge seats and ask yourself what will happen of another 4 years of Trump.
It might not even matter who you get elected in 2024 even if it is AOC. GOP on state level will sue the shit out everything democrats want to pass and when it goes to the SC you know your bills are DOA.

So people should stop talking shit about staying home if they cant get their favourite into the HU with Trump.
That also means you dont have to concede points early to be more favourable with centrist democrats because if they cant be arsed to vote D with the fear of more Kavanaughs on the Sc then they arent democrts in the first place but repubs in disguise


Legit shocked the argument is actually being made you can’t cut defense spending or even say that you will.

Can’t integrate the schools either, no one will ever vote for it.
Can’t free slaves, no one will ever vote for it.
Can’t Can’t Can’t

This is why GOPete and others like him suck ass.


I find this part doubtful. The gov’t is going to dictate the wages an employer pays?

Edit - they already dictate min wages, but this would be very different.

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I can already hear the reaction of the TV pundits and op-ed writers: “B-b-but how will he pay for it?”




Lol it’s the most delusional part of this. Employers are gonna just give the cost savings into wages out of the kindness of their hearts. Fucking lol.

“we’ll make them” hahahahahha

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It’s the most frustrating part of discussing the M4A with some of the Bernie folks. One of the most fundamental parts of his worldview is that the economy is an uneven playing field where productivity gains of the economy have been unfairly captured by the ownership class at the expense of the 99%. But, somehow, we’re totally going to make sure that this particular windfall is distributed equitably?

Before anyone unfairly attacks me I am for m4a and voiced my support for bernie finally earlier itt. I just wish the movement would be more tethered to reality.

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Let’s suppose none of the employer’s savings get passed along, so the employee gets the same wage as before, and probably about the same healthcare too.

Presumably they’ll be paying higher taxes, but in return:

  • They’ll have the assurance that if they ever lose/quit their job, they won’t lose their health coverage.
  • Their family members will also have health coverage.

Even among selfish people, wouldn’t a decent % consider the tax hike worth it for those reasons?



“I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.”

Never change, comfortable, middle class white people. Never change.


Are there any other policies where we get to totally ignore differences between candidates because of how realistic we perceive them to be? Like, I have a lot of experience watching rich people be assholes, so I know it’s really unlikely that citizens United gets overturned. So Pete’s good position on that no longer matters, nor does Biden’s bad position. And white people love their guns! So we can ignore Bernie’s shaky gun platform and Beto’s (lol) good one.

It’s absolutely depressing how many dem voters lack literally any spine.

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Given the limited ability of the president to actually do things, I think these questions are all more relevant than "Are you in favor of M4A (defined as X):

  1. What executive actions will you take to expand healthcare coverage upon taking office?

  2. If Congress passed a bill providing M4A (defined as X), would you veto that bill?

  3. If Congress were able to pass either a M4A bill or a Pete-like M4AWWI bill, which one would you support over the other?

  4. If you have a non-filibuster proof majority, what budget reconciliation-eligible actions would you support?

What I think is so frustrating is that I don’t believe there’s meaningful differences between many of the candidates on these questions. Like, maybe Biden or Klob actually would say yes to question #2 - that would represent a substantial ideological difference among candidates.

Editing this:
A NYT story basically lays this out:

This is what I want to know for each candidate.


This is the naive take.

I don’t think so. Most people are pretty healthy and don’t go to the doctor that much. The bigger concern, in my mind, is how much quality of care will be affected - this is rarely discussed.

Why do you think quality of care would be worse under a universal, free at the point of service system?

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I think the last ten years showed us that employers like paying for healthcare because it gives them a nearly opaque way to adjust employee compensation. As in, they can get a much worse health plan, effectively giving everyone a big pay cut, but then pretend that actually compensation is the same.