Who will run in 2020?

Well, she is expanding existing Medicare to over-50s and is providing free coverage to those listed in the post you quoted, but everyone else has to pay, yeah. Her theory is that this is easier to pass and that the public option will be superior enough that it will create public support for true M4A. It basically depends on whether you believe her that this will be easier to pass or whether you subscribe to this:


Yes extremely simple to understand.

Where you’re encountering confusion (because it makes no sense) is with the outrage over being presented with the wrong fantasy.

Elizabeth Warren: I will pass a super generous public option, a 1000% improvement over the current healthcare system, then use the political capital built up by this to pass single payer by year 3.

Unstuck: That’s totally unrealistic! Single payer will never pass that way. Traitor!!!

Bernie Sanders: I will pass M4A in the first 100 days by taking on the drug companies and the greed of insurance companies. I will do this without nuking the fillibuster in the Senate, by sheer force of will, getting millions of Americans in the streets.

Unstuck: That’s totally unrealistic! Single payer will never pass that way. You’re my hero.


Implementing M4A is a monumental undertaking. Thinking this can be done in two years is beyond optimistic.

Yeah the fact you can’t understand the difference is on you.

I couldn’t get through the article. It’s a hit piece (basically biased opinion), disguised as investigation. As Chris noted, there are exactly two sources for the hit. One is anonymous, and the other is the person on the other side of the suit (can’t find her political affiliations/endorsements since this hit piece basically takes up the searches about the person). The anonymous source is someone on the legal team (supposedly) who says very little, and the other probably never saw much of Warren. It just smells like bullshit to me, and it’s presented with stilted language that isn’t how any straight investigation piece is ever written. But it did its job and flew through the internet unchecked.

There are a number of people in elite circles who don’t like Warren much as well, and the anonymous source doesn’t provide details on what exactly Warren did. So when Warren says “I consulted at a time where Dow and plaintiff interests were aligned” and they quote some anonymous source saying “Actually no, she is a bad person who did the bad thing” then I don’t really care, give details or your name or gtfo imo.

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Man, this Buttigieg/Thigpen phantom endorsement thing is just terrible optics, lol. Someone on the campaign staff should really eat a bullet for that.

Super generous - I hope the poor people are sufficiently grateful.

As a fairly poor person with no job security, I assure you I’lll be quite grateful if anything close to this passes.


Yeah, and I mean the substance of the article isn’t even good. It’s a short bit on that, and then goes down the list of essentially ‘how dare this ‘socialist’ be in these lawsuits?’ like she’s not allowed to make money. The piece works better as a template hit piece on Bernie, but obviously it wasn’t him who happened to do the things she did in her profession. It’s just written in a very biased way, in my opinion. I wish this were something people could see easily, but it really isn’t these days.

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Gonna have to wait to fully process my thoughts regarding Warren’s plan, but my initial reaction is that I’m pissed.

OMG fuck you Pete. Asshole.


The interests of the women in bankruptcy were represented by a Tort Committee and the committee was negotiating with Dow Corning. Why couldn’t she do her “technical work” w/ a professional obligation to represent the best interests of the Tort Committee rather than Dow Corning at $675/hr?

She calls it M4A option. It is part of a bigger M4A plan that would, if fully implemented, become single payer and abolish private insurance (allowing only non-duplicative coverage through supplemental insurance, as do the Sanders and Jayapal plans). You can say it’s unrealistic to expect it to be fully implemented, but the same is true of all M4A plans.

I mean yeah but if you’re looking for a lawyer who has never repped a scumbag you’re gonna be here a while


The flip flop implies all the right wing hysteria has merit.

If everything goes absolutely perfectly in 2020, we will have 51 Senators including Joe Manchin. Filibuster isn’t going away and nothing is passing. But this walk back looks like a response to GOPete’s talking points and implies to the public M4A is indeed a crazy, pie in the sky idea.

I’ve been working and can’t really read much now, but if the plan is no big departure, but sorta sounds like it, then again, what does @skydiver8 think, because it looks more like a move to compete more directly for Pete’s potential supporters

Warren/Pete = candidate of whiter, richer, more educated democrats. Biden/Bernie = candidate of less white, poorer, less educated democrats. This explains the politics far better than Bernie/Liz are in the progressive lane and Pete/Biden are in the moderate lane.


Yang is for straight up M4A, right?

If so I’m putting him second after Bernie.

It’s bizarre, I don’t know what they were thinking. Seems like the details of the plan getting immediately swamped by controversy over these supposed endorsements was a 100% chance to happen and it looks breathtakingly cynical for a candidate who already had some issues with black support. Just a really weird thing to do politically.

Dunno if that is true about Biden at all. And another bid difference is Pete, Joe, and Liz are popular with Boomers and Bernie isn’t.