Who will run in 2020?

As long as Yang keeps talking about UBI i don’t really care what TV show he goes on. He could go on the Kardashians for all I care. I don’t think anyone thinks he has any chance to win but the more he stays in the spotlight the more he can talk about UBI, which is an inevitable platform the dems need to get behind, if not now, in the near future.

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Warren keeps collecting the right enemies.


Thoughts and prayers

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Meghan is about to ask to speak to Warren’s supervisor.


Bernie and Liz are probably both happy about these endorsements.

This is not a good number for Biden. Sad!


He can always hit up Hunter for a loan.


Updated preference list:

1a/1b: Bernie/Warren. If I was 100% confident Warren was for Medicare for All, period, she’d be one. If she wasn’t a woman Bernie would be one. I think it’s that important we have a woman in the White House.

Huge drop

2: Yang. Whatever, he’d be a breath of fresh air at least and I genuinely believe he’d do crazy shit to try to fix things and would change his mind if things didn’t work out as he planned.

3: Castro
4: Beto
5: Harris
6: Booker

(These are all relatively interchangeable)

Anyone else: move to Canada.


Really? You’d move to Canada if Buttigieg were president?

There is little to no difference between Pete and Biden at this point and to pretend otherwise is ridiculous.



Bill tried to attack Beto.

So we continue to see corporate candidates Biden and Pete attack single payer healthcare with disingenuous arguments about how will you pay for it and the cost estimate that it would cost 30 trillion dollars over the next 10 years. Shouldn’t the response every time be that our current healthcare system is on track to cost over 40 trillion dollars over the next 10 years, so single payer healthcare is expected to save us a trillion dollars per year. An average savings of $3,000 per person in this country per year.


Pete is coherent

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A coherent Joe Biden who looks like one of those ventriloquist’s dummies you buy at a garage sale and have to throw in the sea because it keeps trying to murder you. Shut up and take my money!


wow this is disturbingly accurate

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Gottle of glood! Gottle of glood!

Why do you doubt her on that?

It isnt that disingenuous. A common trope and response to that question is “the rich will pay for it!” Without much explanation on what that means, just .01% or something will pay a 95% marginal tax rate somehow or something.

Warren lost me a little by refusing to say middle class taxes will go up. They certainly would. Bernie won a shitload of points with me last night by just straight up saying it. Also the fact he just had a heart attack and almost certainly shouldnt have been there showed that he’s a true believer (if that was ever in doubt).

I cant believe I’m saying this but I’ll vote for bernie although he doesn’t have a chance. The attacks on Warren last night were effective.


The issue with saying it is that the question itself is intentionally loaded and false… and it’s the statement that will be taken out of context to launch a thousand attack ads.

She’s right too. It will lower costs for middle class people. If my wife and I paid 5k a year in extra taxes we’d be coming out quite a bit ahead. Just the premiums for our health insurance are 5800 a year, and that’s before a 1400 dollar deductible, and coinsurance up to 6k out of pocket… And my wife had to quit my business and get a job for us to get insurance that good. Her compensation is almost certainly lower because her employer is paying at least 50% of the premium.

Warren knew that it would look less than great to intentionally not ignore the question, but she correctly assessed that the debate itself isn’t going to move the needle but the attack ads in the general election absolutely would.

This ‘will you raise taxes on the middle class to pay for healthcare’ question is bullshit. Public healthcare costs 30T over the next 10 years and our current system will cost 40T. That’s a 10T savings. It doesn’t actually matter how we pay for the system that is 10T cheaper. It’s a TRILLION dollars a year less. That’s 50% of the total cost of rebuilding the nations infrastructure PER YEAR. It’s roughly what we spent on the Iraq war give or take a couple of hundred billion and how you define the Iraq war. It’s an absolutely massive amount of money less. How will we pay for it is just about the stupidest question anyone could ask. Seriously who fucking cares? It genuinely couldn’t matter less how we finance saving a ridiculous amount of money.