Who will run in 2020?

Maybe she’ll show up to the Republican debates instead?



She knows they’re gonna atomic elbow her on Assad as they should have already.

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lol rigtardz



Nothing is stopping those rich people from donating as much as they want to warren or whomever else. All she seems to be saying is ‘I’m not going to go out of my way to promise them anything for their money’ which is the correct attitude. I can sort of understand if you want her to do these fund raisers, promises all sorts of things then sike renege on her promises when she wins but that only works once and the question to answer is why would someone spend XXthousand to go to a fundraiser but not just donate XXthousand to democratic races? It must be because they feel they are getting something out of the fundraiser and that something has to be influence. I don’t want the next president to feel she owes anything to a bunch of rich people.


Lol gabbard boycotting something she has not qualified to be a part of yet.

Things That Don’t Matter For 200, Alex.

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She’s in that one.




who tf is donating to amy mcgrath?

Nerds who hate money but who knows, maybe Kentucky’s just dying for a diet Republican to take Mitch’s place.

I get it if she wins the primary. But she sucks and at this point donating to her is making sure she has no viable primary challenger.

I won’t be shocked when Politico’s sekret nazi Facebook group gets exposed


Got another call tonight from Bernie Sanders campaign. I consistently tell the people from his campaign that Bernie is my 2nd choice behind Elizabeth Warren. What I have noticed is that they will never say a single negative word about Warren, and actually their response has pretty consistently been something along the lines of oh great she’s actually my 2nd choice. Hopefully bodes well for the theory that one or the other will eventually drop out and endorse the other.


Warren crushing the town hall.

Warren is the real deal


So good

Tweet from @mj_lee: This Elizabeth Warren answer was quite a moment at CNN #EqualityTownHall https://twitter.com/mj_lee/status/1182466357738164225/video/1


OMG LIZ, incredible

Do you know what the best thing about McConnell losing even to someone like this is? If you answered that the Senator would be at the bottom of list in seniority, you would be thinking like me.

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