Who will run in 2020?

BOO-zhee imo

I thought about it and it’s hard to spell it out. “zh” is probably right.

You are for real accusing me off misspelling a Migos reference. WTF is this pedantic ish. Goddamn, I don’t know how this shit is spelled, I just heard it nonstop on the FM radio for a month and it’s buried itself into my brain. Commercial radio is garbage, I should think about getting one of those satellite radio things.

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One thing I know for certain is the proles don’t spend their time worrying about correct pronunciation.

Depends on the accent… We Scots would always say Ghee

But that’s clarified butter with some caramelized bits.

Why does language have to be so hard?

@Trolly - you misspelled Reese’s. Your favorite candy - POSEUR!

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Indeed…You can literally walk a mile past my house and people talk with a different accent and language almost. :joy:

Alough I must admit, my city is the outlier.

There are some things going on in this photo:

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You seem like a keen linguist

^ this joke is like Miles Davis, it’s the note that wasn’t played

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This is correct. It derives from a popularized pronunciation of the word where the R is sklent–boozshwah–leading to the further common man’s slang of boozshee.

A cursory look into it suggests that it has origins in African-American slang, derived from “bourgeois”, meant to mock pretentious black people.

Truest post in this thread

WTF at anyone hating on TJ’s. I could win the lottery tomorrow and I’d still go to TJ’s over anywhere else.

Even though we all know he almost certainly is an atheist (you can’t tell me Obama and the Clintons aren’t either), I remember him being asked about this and he wouldn’t come out and say so one way or another.

While I think you’re 1000% right that people are less likely to vote for an atheist (attacking his atheism would no doubt be more damaging to him than anything about his Democratic “socialist” policies), what makes you think we’re not ready to elect a female president? Sexism is alive and well in America, but I hope you’re not comparing Warren to HRC. I do think a female can successfully be elected president. Am I naive?

What makes you think either of the Clintons is an atheist?

For that matter, what makes you think Obama is an atheist?

You never can really know for sure because of the stigma in this country that is associated with being one. I think it would be harder to get elected to any office in this country as an atheist than being gay, Jewish, or just about any other minority. But why do I think the Clintons are atheists? This might sound condescending, but I simply think they’re both too smart and well educated to believe in an invisible being who answers prayers, etc. “Maybe” they’re deists, but I doubt even that.

There are what? 535 members of congress? I can think of one who openly admitted to being an atheist on his way out of the door before retiring. Are there any others? From a sheer statistical standpoint there should be a minimum of ~16 atheists in the house and senate. And that number should be higher since religiosity and belief in god tends to decline with higher education. The Clintons are both well educated and smart. I think we have many more elected officials who are atheists than are willing to admit to. Doing so would be political suicide in America

And yes. I’m pulling this out of my ass with no hard evidence to back it up, but I think these are reasonable assumptions

Same reasons listed above for the Clintons and other politicians. I’d also be shocked if Barney Frank or Al Franken weren’t athiests. Ditto for Katie Porter and even AOC and many others. You simply have to pay lip service to god (and of course, the Christian god) if you want to have any chance of being elected president in America. We are one of the most religious countries in the world, but am glad to us trending towards secularism and other religious tolerance (Ilhan Omar, etc.)