Who will run in 2020?

Smacc should get to vote. We’d be better off if we let anyone in the world vote for POTUS.

It shouldn’t be reciprocal though. If the UK let the US vote in their elections we’d just vote for Lord Buckethead. (maybe that’d be an improvement?)

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This is the worst possible choice, FYI.


Once you’ve had a Trader Joe’s peanut butter cup you’ll never want a Reeses again. Maybe once in order to really be shocked at how bad something that you used to like really is.

lol at you bougie dudes eating swanky-ass Trader Joe’s peanut butter cups. Reeces was there for you when you were a broke-ass little kid out trick-or-treating for candy. A Reeces was an elite Halloween score, now you act like you’re too good for them. Where is the love.


My mom got me some gourmet shit peanut butter cups once from the local chocolatier, and now I can’t enjoy Reese’s because they taste like wax in comparison. Not happy about that. Mom ruined candy for me.

I mean, tell me you would be the least bit upset if Thanos snapped and made Kit-Kats disappear foever. That is one of the weakest Halloween candies ever.

Trader Joe’s is cheap. It’s the people’s store bro.


I don’t like snickers bars much, but the snickers ice cream bars are awesome. They replace all the badness in a snickers with goodness.

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Snickers is essential for when you need to eat out of a vending machine and you need something super-dense that will fill you up.

M&Ms are garbage. Only reason to like them is if you’re on the spectrum and you’re so fascinated by the frequency distribution of the various colors that you organize them by color before eating.


Green is the most rare color, in case you were wondering.


I don’t really eat candy lately, but I like M&Ms. I like to let them dissolve and melt and take at least an hour to eat a bag. Sometimes I get them when I’m on a long drive. Probably still on the spectrum.

And of course they’re good in trail mix.

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Mother fucker you didn’t even spell it right. This man-of-the-people schtick isn’t fooling any one.

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This is some straight-up serial killer shit.



I’m not sure he did? Like, I’ve seen “bougie” all over the place that seems like it’s used as a slangy form of “bourgeois,” but I’m not sure that that’s the correct etymology, or that people pronounce it “BOO-zhee” or “BOO-ghee” or some other way. I sort of want to believe that it just got dropped into the vernacular by some person who forgot the r, but maybe that’s just what I want to believe.

He misspelled “Reese’s”.

Very well. I still am curious about the etymolgy and pronunciation of “bougie” if someone here actually knows something on the subject.

It’s definitely derived from bourgeois and pronounced “bougey” , but I dunno about spelling.

Your spelling still doesn’t disambiguate between a hard g, a j, or a zh. The spelling I’ve seen is almost exclusively “bougie.”