Who will run in 2020?

Pete would not win if he copied Bernie. That lane is taken and it’s a pretty committed block. Biden’s got a lot of meh supporters. It’s more geniuslike to go after that group.

It’s the ghost of America Present coming to warn you barmy UK pillocks about the consequences of the dumbfuck choices y’all have made.


GoFundMe recently published an article titled something like “8 ways in increase donations to your cancer fight GoFundMe”. That’s the country we live in. You have to use clickbait and sales tactics to get friends and strangers to donate money to keep you alive. Nice system we have here.


Reminder for everyone to re-check your voter registration. This is about the time of year where shenanigans start to happen and people start getting unregistered / affiliations changed or reset as a result of ‘glitches’.

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Already did. My state is hard blue so I felt like I was pretty good anyway.

You might need a reread of those.

Or just watch V for Vendetta maybe if you want hope.

Biden’s argument is electability. If Buttigieg or Warren want to paint themselves as alternative to Sanders, I think they have to attack Biden in a way that harms his electability. Right now, they seem to be going after each other in the hopes of firming up their base. Maybe there’s some prisoner’s dilemma stuff going on where each hopes that the other will throw bombs at Biden first and take the hit of any blowback.

I’d start by giving a token defense of Hunter Biden on Burisma, but pivoting to his job at MBNA, leading to a discussion of why Joe Biden was once referred to as the “Senator of MBNA” and why Biden was one of the few Democrats to vote for the 2005 bankruptcy bill which inspired Elizabeth Warren to become more political.

Donald Trump campaigned on draining the swamp and that message resonated. We need a candidate who will tell people that the Democratic establishment is part of the swamp and that Trump only wanted to drain the swamp so he can build a bigger swamp in its place. Biden wants to roll back the clock to a time that was less corrupt but still corrupt. His primary opponents need to point that out, even if it means making some people who don’t like Trump being unenthusiastic about Biden and giving them sufficient lack of motivation to go to the polls that it might cost Dems some votes if Biden is the nominee.

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A likely scenario I’m seeing unfolding is Pete and Biden combine delegates in a brokered convention to make Biden president and Pete VP. Biden serves his one term then sets up Pete to run in 2024. Sort of a win-win for all involved as Pete ultimately gets his way to the Presidency, which is all he cares about. I’m sure the dem establishment thinks this is the dream ticket that everyone wants.

If the economy doesn’t tank, the only big winning issue the Dems have to campaign on is health care and Biden and Mayor Pete got nothing to say on it. The deficit is actually a decent thing to hit Trump on as we shouldn’t be running huge deficits when there is little inflation and unemployment and there’s decent growth. We should be raising taxes and obviously spending priorities suck, but it’s not the time to be running big deficits. But, no one will ever believe the Dems care about that. M4A isn’t the only only thing Dems should talk about, but it’s the only winner. Biden and Mayor Pete have no clear message on it, so all they’ll be able to do is talk about how bad Trump is and Trump will point to the economy and how the Senate laughed off the fake impeachment.

And imjosh’s scenario there is pretty likely or maybe someone they think will pass as a better progressive for VP to throw a bone, but prolly not, they didn’t do that with Kaine.

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I figure their ‘bone’ to progressives will be letting Warren pick the new Secretary of Education.

I think, like last time, it’ll be putting stuff in the platform that they have no intention of doing.

I’m a legit poor. So my health insurance costs the past 3 years have been something like

45$ a month
75$ a month
15$ a month

Even at that rate, I haven’t got my money’s worth because I haven’t got sick. But I was kind of shocked to see my health insurance rate go down by that much.

But I can see through 45->75->15, but I doubt many others in my situation can.

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Damn dude. This is Obummercare? Surprised it actually goes that low. Figured you would just qualify for Medicaid at that point.

And of course free market principles work pretty well when the market delivers affordable and desirable options. No one is clamoring for single payer apples and oranges for a reason.

If you don’t read this thread every day you miss a lot. It also makes it harder to pick up on sarcasm, so I can’t tell if you’re serious or not. God I sure hope people here aren’t suggesting Cenk’s comments in the distant past are disqualifying

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He has a long history of saying extremely stupid podcastbro stuff. He’s either really dumb or deliberately provocative and replacing Katie Hill with a toxic dudebro is such a bad look for progressives.

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I agree people will buy into these talking points even thought it’s far from true. Wtf does the economy doing well even mean? That the stock market is performing well? My guess is that those most hurting don’t participate in the market and they’re still having to work two jobs to make ends meet. I’d say Dem messaging sucks, but it’s what they want us to think. The only ones who seem willing to call the economy a bullshit indicator is Sanders, Warren, and maybe Yang

Cenk Uygur has fought and championed for real progressive causes for years. If you’re not going to allow someone to ever be, or say, something stupid when they’re young, you’re going to be left with a very weak and thin field on our team

He’s apologized profusely and deleted his old blogs BEFORE anyone called him out because he figured out on his own he was an idiot back then and admits it! Progressives can’t keep doing this shit and eliminating true progressives because of some past mistake. We lost a great senator (Al Franken) because of it. Meanwhile, Republicans never turn on themselves no matter how gross the misconduct was. And we wonder why we’re losing :roll_eyes:


This part is true but saying Uygur’s fuckups were stupid things he said when he was young is a bit silly when some of the things were fairly recent and said by a man in his early 40s. Cenk probably has more value as a behind the scenes type organizing things than acting as a lightning rod as one of 435 other Members of Congress.