Who will run in 2020?

Why is Modi’s government backing Tulsi?

More to the point, why is Tulsi a Democrat?


Support for a regressive foreign regime is certainly not something tolerated in the modern Democratic party. Bad!

Well yeah I mean all Democrats are aligned with some foreign gubmint or another, that’s a given as it is written into the DNC bylaws in type AB negative blood which many people don’t even know. But typically those Dem-adjacent gubmints are not also fascist. Yet Tulsi can’t not take money and assistance from far right nationals. It’s odd!

Because she wanted to get elected in Hawaii

Modi wants the non-interventionist wing of the Dems to be as vocal as possible before he annexes Kashmir.

End cash bail
End private prisons
End mandatory minimums
End death penalty
Bring back Glass-Steagall
$15/HR min
Paid medical and family leave
Free college
Student debt relief
Assault weapon ban
Universal background check
Pro choice
Marriage equality
citizenship for dreamers
End the wars
Legalize weed
Cut war budget
End tax breaks for offshoring
Enforce antitrust laws


Note: this is NOT a Biden ad.

More stuff like this please, and less shit about the horse race.

Note: this is NOT a Biden ad.



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Lol Biden. I really hate the Silents and Boomers guys. I really really do.

Prefect description of the establishment Dem view. They incorrectly concede that Republican ideas are popular among centrist/independent voters and try to position themselves as socially progressive Republicans as if there’s some huge untapped group of voters wishing for that.


List looks good. But then she goes on the Rubin Report https://twitter.com/RubinReport/status/1171088382920929280?s=19 , and the coverage comes out like this:

Now, obviously you can’t always control what soundbites are going to be deemed newsworthy (esp by right wing outlets like those above), but any decent politician knows when to accept the premise of a question and when to push back against it. I see Tulsi continue to go on libertarianish outlets and join in the punching left without spending nearly as much time throwing fire at conservatives.

So, sure maybe her (current) views line up better as a D than an R, but I don’t think her strategy is particularly helpful to the Democratic party.


Wrong thread


Those likely voters must not know that Hispanic unemployment is lowest (BEST) in the history of the United States!

My favorite thing about DJT is that when he was running all the economic stats were fucked and things were terrible (true!)… but the second he got elected they were all 100% correct and all pointed to what a great man he was. I look forward to pointing that out to his supporters as often as possible in the coming year.

New state motto for NH: we‘re over the racism, but we‘ll sure as hell keep the misogyny.

I mean how else do you explain a significant portion of voters that prefer Biden, Yang AND Sanders over Trump, but if you ask them about Warren they think that‘s going a little far.


I can explain Biden and Sanders. I can’t explain Yang or Harris.

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And it’s not even like, “Welp guy I will stay home rather than cast a vote for the vagina-haver,” it’s, “Welp, a vagina-haver is running, guess I’ve gotta vote for the sociopath rapist.”