2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Were they? I don’t remember that at all.



I’m gonna need some names.

Wasn’t Tulsi paid off by the Russians

pretty sure joe rogan smothered her in praises. lol all these characters are revealing themselves at the same time.

Yeah, but Alex was talking about unstuck posters

Ok maybe not a lot but I remember microbet in particular defending her under the logic that if the Dem establishment hates her she must be doing something right.

You got a link to that post? The one you linked hardly qualifies as a defense. Someone asked why Tulsi is a Dem and he responded to that with a list of positions she holds.

I’ll try to find it but you don’t think a list of 20 positions where if you go down the list he surely agrees with most if not all of them counts as a defense?

Not in that context. Someone asked the question “Why is Tulsi a Democrat?” He posted a list of her positions that qualify as Dem without comment. If it is a defense it’s really the weakest of defenses.

If you count that as a defense, then the posting of @anon10396289 is really going to blow your mind (not on this issue, but in general).

Don’t want to belabor the point especially since he’s not posting here much right now, but in that context it clearly does. In no world does someone who doesn’t even like Dems trot out 20 favorable positions of a Dem candidate unless it’s an attempt to respond to what he perceives is an unfair attack.

And I’m quite familiar with Keeds posting and the implications of the battles he chooses to pick. :sweat_smile:

a little nsfw, but lol:

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That was disappointingly SFW. But still wtf?


I always spoil for anything remotely borderline because I’d rather be too conservative, but yeah light up tits controlled with pressing and a cellphone app lol


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This was an April Fools gag according to the Twitter comments.

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Fuck the truth

you can have glowing boobs in metaverse for a lotnless than irl. hell you can have the nft for 69.420eth

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It’s incredible that maybe 1% of the population who aren’t accountants think they pay their top tax rate on their entire income. Such a terrible terrible job of messaging. The govt should be paying for ads in the Super Bowl to explain to people how progressive taxation works.