Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I’m pretty sure that Trump has no idea what fracking actually is. I sometimes think that Biden should have asked Trump to explain at a debate, but then remember that even if Trump was shown to be an idiot and have no idea on the issue, his supporters still wouldn’t care.

Look Joe, fracking, believe me, I know about fracking. Just yesterday I had an oil rig worker, he came up to me and said sir – they say sir, these oil guys – this big strong driller came up to me, he was wearing one of those jumpsuits they wear. You know the jumpsuits. He had oil stains all over the jumpsuit and coal dust smeared on his face. He said sir, we’ve had politicians say for years that they want to ban fracking. Ban drilling. There were tears running down his face. Sir, you’re the first one who’s really understood fracking. Understood drilling. Thank you sir, he said. And you know what he’s right. Nobody understands fracking better than me. It’s called dominate the oil field. Dominate the oil field, and we’re doing that. And believe me we’re just getting started.


Plus Biden probably has no idea either. I know I don’t except it releases toxins causes earthquakes and is generally the height of evil. If you asked me for a technical explanation the closest I could get would be it’s like blasting high pressure air into a deep hole and seeing what happens. Usually gas comes out.

great news guys, once Trump loses we’ll be all set

edit: this was actually a fine journalistic choice, it’s a good article about something terrible.

I’m not worried about this woman. She’s a politician without a real constituency on a national scale. The Trump voters won’t go for her. I’m sure she’ll do good work for her constituents (the defense lobby ldo) but she’s not going to even be the nominee for the GOP.

Ivanka comes after Donnie.

Pretty sure they pump water into the rocks not air

It’s complicated, but to over simplify it, if done correctly it can get more oil from wells. The problem is, it is expensive to do it correctly, and when it’s done incorrectly they are pumping poison into the local water table and have people lighting their faucets like blow torches.

And earthquakes.

This is how the trickle down economy works, ldo.

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BREAKING: landslide victory would push Dems into disarray


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This is probably true. I’m sure they were banking on the senate “stonewalling” them so they wouldn’t have to actually do anything. Now they might have expectations which is their least favourite thing.


I think it that’s true, but it’s a consequence of the realignment of non-college educated people shifting to Republicans and college educated shifting to Democrats. Neither party’s establishment actually wants to try to appeal to what voters actually want, and don’t know how to deal with this phenomenon. And they’ll both probably do the wrong thing. If Trump wins the Democrats will take the lesson that oh man Joe Biden was too far left, let’s try, I don’t know, John Kasich next. Obviously the Bernie wing will fight this (with the possible notable exception of Bernie himself). If the Democrats win the establishment Republicans will try to go back to business as usual but there’s going to be a bunch of young upstarts who recognize that the policy ideas that Trump tapped into in 2016 are actually deeply popular with the new Republican working class base. Trade, immigration, nationalism. But either way there’s going to be uprisings in both parties, it will just be more immediate with the losing party.


This seems pretty yikes

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You are correct it’s water pressure and a series of chemicals that increase lubrication. The water has sand suspended in it which fills the tiny cracks in the bedrock forcing them open. This allows more oil to flow to the wellhead. This is nearly always done far deeper than the shallow water table used for drinking or for life on the surface. It only impacts very deep water which has no connection to the surface.

Seems pretty obvious what he means. I might have gone with calling him a berk.



what in the fuck lol

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Like I said, when it’s done correctly, but there is lots of places where if it’s not done correctly bad things happen. A guy I used to work with had his brother come on and give a presentation on fracking when Colorado was voting on several years back, he’s in the industry, and the takeaway from the presentation was the risks weren’t worth the rewards.

I dont understand this reference at all. What does Trump have to do with Kunta Kinte?