Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I assume still have to be postmarked by election day right? win for democrats, fuck you, win for voters maybe instead, or democracy?

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This is perhaps some of the worst analysis I’ve ever seen.

It takes a national poll regarding when people plan to vote and then assumes half the people vote early and half vote on election day. It then says that since 62% of D’s say they plan to vote early and 72% of R plan to vote on election day, D’s need to win 70/30 in early voting to overcome their expected loss on election day.

It then looks at 4 battleground states - FL, PA, NV, and IA - and finds D’s above 70% in only PA, and thus concludes R’s favored in the other three.

Of course, he doesn’t really look at actual voting turnout in the states, just whether it meets his invented 70/30 metric. For instance in Florida, 52.5% of registered voters have already voted early, so pretty sure more than half are going to vote early.






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This is Bad Journalism - how dare they claim that roads and highways exist? How do they know that the highway is even there? Before publishing such wild allegations they should have interviewed one Democrat from the department of transportation AND one Republican as well.

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So the DMR has it’s weird “we’re not publishing the poll” thing a few days before the primary this year. Their political editor moderated a shit show primary debate that I am still salty about. And now they publish this bizarro poll, and apparently included a 7 paragraph trump safari anecdote in the poll release article that they’ve now had to retract.

Maybe next cycle let’s cool the jets on them a bit.

Don’t agree, I think it’s better to leave the corrected version up, otherwise you can’t really evaluate the corrections.

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Read headline in this morning’s Irish Independent newspaper. Thought that’s some impressive both sidsing and wondered how that crept into Irish coverage of the US election. Then I looked down and noticed the author. LOL.

President Donald Trump continues to be the king of Pinocchios, amassing 295 from Washington Post fact checks since May 2019.

But former vice president Joe Biden was no slouch either, earning 51 Pinocchios.

Biden also spoke far less often than Trump, providing fewer opportunities for fact-

Looks like the only reason Biden lies less often is he doesn’t speak as much.

Is there a thread for good headlines?

I don’t think so, so I’ll put this here:



It isn’t like voter profiles like this started in 2016. Although people getting mad about them seems to have.

Have they ever done a voter profile of a committed left winger? Someone like pocketchads who is out fighting fascism on a daily basis? Maybe that stuff exits but doesn’t get posted here but I’d like to see it if it does.

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Or a person of color?

Must be a new piece. There isn’t an editor’s note yet on the bottom explaining that the interviewees were local GOP officials.


That’s fair but a critique of lazy reporters not bothering to actually find Real American Voters to profile but just writing about the political hacks who make themselves available to reporters, rather than an indictment of getting out on the campaign trail and profiling voters.

Fracking is the process of drilling into the earth to release natural gas and oil.

No that’s just called drilling.


I wonder if that’s malice, laziness or idiocy.

Reporting on scientific matters is absolutely abhorrent, so I could easily see it being any one of those three.

I would guess if you polled what fracking was some version of drilling would be the most common answer by far.