Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


MSNBC contributor Hugh Hewitt lets race war fantasizer Kurt Schlichter guest host his radio show

Schlichter has used his hosting spots to promote his race war novel series, which Hewitt has gushed about

Schlichter’s series incorporates a “brutal race war” into the domestic conflict, and both it and The Turner Diaries “describe a tyrannical government that takes blacks off government assistance and gives them police powers, which they use to terrorize sympathetic white characters and seize their guns.”

The parallels Vanderbrouk discovered are numerous, including similarities between the protagonists’ names (Turner and Turnbull), the use of a fertilizer bomb by the anti-government insurgents, and the fact that both books “share the same paranoia that progressive governments, aided by white collaborators, are empowering blacks to enable them to rape white women and ultimately exterminate the white race.”

Tom Cotton on Jake Tapper’s show this morning pushing the fantasyland myth that 2018 voters wanted the GOP to expand their mandate, all it takes to deflate this is to turn around and ask Cotton how many senate races the GOP won and how many they lost that year.

Tapper just rolled over and let it stand.

On one hand, it is outrageous that GOP liars are invited on these shows to spew absolute propaganda. On the other hand, zero persuadable voters are watching Jake Tapper or even Meet The Press. I’m more concerned with Sinclair and Facebook.

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Yep it’s this for sure.

The mainstream media watches MTP and it affects their everyday reporting. Dems are bad at working the media and always seem to have some ludicrous notion that the media is supposed to be unbiased and fair.

They’re always looking for a reasonable Republican to show off their both sides chops. But when none are available…


you dont say


Hell YEA, lets go baby, im getting confident with those recent polls, now this news?


Shout out to the @Trolly theorem that journalists succeed by pretending to be imbeciles



The only thing I question in the theorem is the word ‘pretend’.


Lol so not only is their father rich but he literally is probably responsible for most of the income of their company on a monthly basis.

I think the better part of that story is:

“Most of our clients are in Detroit. One of our missions is to become the promotional products in Detroit,” Gilbert continued. We started with a strong presence in Detroit by landing Quicken Loans Family of Companies, and expanded to a few other clients outside such as the IVF…Cranbrook Academy of Arts. There’s a few law firms and dental clinics as well."

‘landing’ my father’s company. I asked my rich father of his rich company would use my branding company. Like they had to really fight to land that first client.

Get fucked. These stories are infuriating and keep propagating the idea that just some hard work is all it takes to have a multi million dollar business.


Just once I"d like to see one of these stories with the people in it say, just once, “We got really lucky. My father owns Quicken loans and he was the first investor. Without him I’m not sure we’d have been able to make the business work.”

But nope. Blood, sweat, and tears, that how was succeeded (and also, my father is rich and invested in the company).

I’m not a fucking millionaire, and I can admit that my wife and I got lucky to be where we are today. Lots of right place, right time, and a $6,000 gift from my mother in law to help buy a house. How fucking hard is it to admit you had some luck or help?



“We’re sorry.” You can read why behind the paywall if you can afford it.


Trump’s taxes in NYT: Front page, column right. Exactly where you’d expect it.
Trump’s taxes in Tulsa World: page A3.

You have to understand the subjects of this story are always raging narcissists. This “story” wasn’t broken by an intrepid reporter who went out looking for an inspirational story of a business built by hard work, entrepreneurship and dedication. These clowns pitched the story to the news outlet. What sort of person does that? It’s insane, I couldn’t even imagine doing that. Narcissists wouldn’t bat an eye, and they’ll make up and actually believe whatever story about themselves they need to.

edit: having just actually read the story I’m still 100% unclear what the heck this company actually does.

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They produce swag with a corporate logo that companies can give to clients. The article is more along the lines of PR than ego-boosting of narcissists. They’d like to built their client base beyond Daddy Gilbert and his friends.
