Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

If poker doesn’t work out you’ll always have a job at the NYT


0/10 try harder



So maybe stop putting her on tv and quoting her in articles you fucking morons


Its that time again! Conservative media analyzes the effect of proposed policy on “normal” people. If you think that means people with annual income of a million dollars or more, come collect your prize. Please note that the top 1% of income in this country starts at $328,000 per year.




Great job guys, fantastic reporting. A+


“According to the WSJ, 80% of taxpayers will pay the same or MORE under Joe Biden’s radical leftist dystopian suburb-destroying tax plan”

Won’t somebody please think of the children … of billionaires, you know the ones with no employment income and $1.5 million in capital gains.

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Holy hell, that’s even more deranged than the famous WSJ cartoon. 0 in wages and 1.5M in capital gains? Guillotines should be the centrist solution.

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Yes that profile is literally the profile of an aristocrat who inherited everything and does something like manufacture high end Hawaiian shirts as a “job”.



they’re all in on it

Depends on what you mean. I don’t think their “logic” is “we must find a way to shoehorn a Republican in”. I think their “logic” is “I must make a big show of having opposing views because that proves I am so smart and unbiased and doing the Journalism, but all the people reporting facts keep agreeing that the Republicans are objectively wrong and evil. We need to balance that out with somebody”.

I think it’s impossible for them to be babes in the woods on this and at best they have rationalized it as “if i dont, someone else will” as they cash their checks.

It’s years of unrelenting obvious lies that are proven lies and memory holed and inviting the same turds back on again for a fresh set of lies. Unless everyone involved has Alzheimer’s, they’re in on it.

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You may be right but consider Option B: they think its their moral obligation to make sure they are not perceived as having an opinion.

Too much credit, they think it’s their PROFESSIONAL obligation not to have an opinion and if they are not a professional then they don’t get paid. And they don’t get the prestige and power of their position. Morals has nothing to do with it.

Not unique, many people overlook one thing or another to do the job they do, especially if it’s their “dream job.”

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You’re probably right, thanks for that clarification.

Maybe the audience would care to know it is literally
impossible for these people to pay the fines because the state won’t tell them the amount but will surely prosecute those who try to vote?
