Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


Fox News to the right of OAN, The Blaze and Breitbart?


2.5 Pinocchio’s for Bernie, Trump can not do something against the law



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I guess the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board doesn’t pay attention to presidential interviews on cable news?

I suppose not. I could be stating the obvious but WSJ is treated as gospel to many in the business world. They’ve always leaned right of course but it’s gotten noticeably worse in the past year or so.

Here’s a bonus headline immediately below the Pelosi one, incredible:

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I thought this had to be fake, but nope. And if you read the article it is honestly worse than the headline.

The article is unbelievably bad. The argument is basically “if Biden wins and assumes office it will prove liberals were stupid to worry about Trump subverting democracy.”

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Last line of that WSJ opinion piece:

How long before Rep. Adam Schiff says it’s another Russia-Donald Trump conspiracy to steal the election?

Probably not the best day to end with that.


Autoplay video removed. Title of the segment was “Tracking the President’s Mistruths”. It’s literally not even a word, and they felt compelled to coin it rather than use “lies.” It was a video segment on ABC News.

She needs to go on the offensive here, hard. She should demand a significant apology. She has a chance to use this to move the Overton Window on the media and demonstrate that they are not liberal and are anti-progressive.

What the fuck at that entire sequence

That’s fucking NBC News, not some bullshit blog. Absolutely awful. The media in this country is a disgrace.

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Went outside curious to see where the stories on the Senate Intelligence Committee report would be placed.

NYT: Front page, right column, above the fold.
lolTulsa World: page two of Metro/Region section, tucked in with the obits.

This is purposeful, not an accident.

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Not just AOC, she shouldn’t have to fight NBC bs on her own. Everyone should be pounding them for this scumbaggery.

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Why is this playing when I open the thread?

Not sure. I removed the link and just posted the title, which is what I cared about anyway.

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