Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices



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How in the eff is this the headline for a Daniel Dale article?

Spanish flu fact check: Did the Spanish flu end WWII?


By all accounts Redstone was an even bigger asshole than the Succession character that is based on him. “Banned from several restaurants for abusing wait staff,” what a way to he remembered.


tis the season…for more midwestern diner safari pieces!



No, just no.

Hugh Hewitt

Read the editor’s note below:


These people are absolutely hopeless. I think I’m going to have to stop paying attention for my own sanity.

“Murderer promises to stop murdering people for the next 79 days”



lol, I guessed it too.

PS: the author 100% knows how to pronounce Kamala’s name correctly. This shit is deliberate.

Every once in a while I see news outlets asking on Twitter if they can use a photo posted on Twitter.

That got me thinking. In the unlikely that I ever post an image or video worthy of being copied by the news and get asked, I’d like to issue a blanket permission along the lines of “Permission is granted with the exception of: Fox News, Sinclair-owned stations, and…” Who am I missing among US-based media?


Pretty much anyone in the lower right on this chart

I always get a laugh when people say yes to a few outlets and then Fox asks and they’re like “No, eat shit, Fox.”


Then they just photoshop their own fake version.