Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices



oh and this picture of our intrepid heroes was taken in front of a statue of Joan of Arc.

and this. Ahahahahahahaha

Gruber told New York she’s been “shocked by the reaction” to the story, which she said has included harassment and threats so severe that she’s acquired security. She said that she’d recently read So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed, by Jon Ronson, a book about what happens to those who are dragged on the internet. On June 7, before the Post story and the fallout prompted her to make her social-media accounts private, Gruber tweeted, “I understand the urge to cancel racists. But truth is — we’re ALL racist, that’s the problem. And we all deserve the grace to learn and change. Let’s use these moments to change hearts and minds, not publicly shame.”

This lady publicly shamed someone so hard she became a target for public shaming.

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I’ve always found the fact that “Social Justice Warrior” is a pejorative super weird. I know SJW predates the election, but I always imagine HRC calling Republicans deplorable and them getting super offended and being like “oh yeah? well you care about people who aren’t yourself and want people treated equally! Burn!”

Edit: Somehow I replied to a six week old post. Whoops.

“This is one of the most embarrassing and self-destructive things I’ve seen a news outlet do. I doubt even North Korean State TV would allow an anchor to “interview” his own brother and use their airwaves to declare him a Great and Noble Leader. Dynastic political power + StateTV” is a little over the top, imo. Unless I’m missing something and Glenn is being sarcastic?

Oh sure, that’s over the top. But I’ve read and listened to so much Greenwald over the years that didn’t even register with me – it’s typical Greenwaldian hyperbole. Except hyperbole is the wrong word because that implies exaggeration for effect. Greenwald always seems 100% serious with this stuff.

But he’s obviously correct that Fredo fawningly conducting interviews of his brother is an absolute embarrassment. Hell, at least the real Fredo stood up to his brother occasionally!

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Fucking WaPo just refuses to get it


In bad times, this clip always brings a smile :speak_no_evil:




I mean, we do it here too…the Trump thread has been renamed to reference him retweeting a video, when the real issue of the russian bounties is barely discussed.


I am pretty sure one of the first things I learned when I joined my high school newspaper was that something like this was unethical. jfc


All I see is peak performance.

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WaPo throwing out sick fire. You only thought there was a Pinocchio limit. Gamechanger imo.


I like that all these other media douches have like carefully curated bookshelves purposefully framed in the shot behind them and glesias is all yeah just my unmade bed is fine.

That was the Lyndon Johnson era.


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I found the image they’re going to use for “bottomless Pinocchio” stories:


Lol Maggie HaberWOAT. Of all the things to tweet. She’s as bought and paid for as Cheeto McFatass


