Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Who is still paying the nyt?

not me. They still haven’t figured out that (at least in Chrome), if you hit the stop loading X before the screen comes up blocking the article and telling you to pay, the whole article loads…lol

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NYT hiring someone from The Intercept is surprising. Maybe it doesn’t matter much because she’s not really in charge of content, and obviously with some reservations about The Intercept, this seems like a huge improvement.

Susan Page just said you have to admire the pRUsident for being transparent and saying what he means and meaning what he says.

If you’re going SECOND LEVEL here wp but I don’t think anyone will get if they didn’t catch the clip. Trigger warning: 11th Hour with Brian Williams:



I give up


I’d give that heart but I don’t want anyone to think I am condoning or liking the tweet. seriously what the fuck

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That is a really good Rod Stewart song.

Maggie gets cited here unironically a lot for someone who is an alleged bane on journalism.

Bad posting dog WOOF WOOF


She did set neera off yesterday so there’s that…

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STAY VIGILANT out there guys


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Wow Glenn is totally bonkers.

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I was thinking, surely he has a similar post about Jr interviewing Trump the other night?

whoa hold on is the poor media outlet choice Glenn saying it’s nuts to have Fredo interview his brother or that Glenn criticized the interview?

good article about the crazy Washington Post blackface expose

Particularly like the Post’s statement:

"Employees of the Washington Post , including a prominent host, were involved in this incident, which impelled us to tell the story ourselves thoroughly and accurately while allowing all involved to have their say,” said Kris Coratti, a spokesperson for the paper. “The piece conveys with nuance and sensitivity the complex, emotionally fraught circumstances that unfolded at the party attended by media figures only two years ago where an individual in blackface was not told promptly to leave. America’s grappling with racism has entered a phase in which people who once felt they should keep quiet are now raising their voices in public. The story is a microcosm of what the country is going through right now."

Bolded is hilarious. Black men and women are being murdered by cops and vigilantes, unemployment is at 20%, here, this tone deaf missed satire halloween costume at a party two years ago is a microcosm of what the country is going through.

Also if it was such a newsworthy story why didn’t it run two years ago? There were a bunch of Post reporters at the party!

Right except it’s the other side of that coin. It’s corporatist elites throwing performative wokeness bones to the legitimately aggrieved masses while getting behind Joe “Nothing Will Fundamentally Change” Biden. Oh you want to tear down a statue? Have at it. Rename Fort Bragg? Of course! Oh you want something that will actually improve your life? Hold on let me check my calendar.

And that didn’t run in the opinion section, it was on the front page of the Style section. The fuck.