Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


Do you think biden hasn’t built the wall, or that she wasn’t detailed by him to the border, or that she’s lying about her border ideology?

My BIL is Hispanic college educated and volunteered for Obama but since 12 was going 3rd party and now voting Trump. He was fed up with govt agencies and Patriot Act and forever wars and that made him against neocons. He viewed Trump as obviously horrible but felt Dems were also bad in 12, 16, and 20. Has always been conspiratorial mindset and got really into crypto recently and now supports Trump


The Moms For Liberty can get a bit carried away — one of their local chapters once accidentally quoted Adolf Hitler (“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future”) and then issued an apology disavowing the Führer (“We should not have quoted him in our newsletter”) — but still, their summit on Friday made for a good case study. It was packed with the sort of voters Mr. Trump hopes can help him win in November: fired-up suburban women.

whole article is a disaster jesus christ

That is not, in fact, disavowing the Fuehrer.


You cannot win by saying your fascist opponent isn’t patriotic and doesn’t care about soldiers and whatever. Broke some patriot rules or whatever. It physically hurts me that we haven’t learned this yet, this late in the game.

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F U (T not you)



Modern political journalism is now just “Ask Trump campaign officials how they’re doing” and print what they tell you.


This guy

Is a huge douche.

I mentioned in my DNC thread about the interview I saw with him and Nancy Pelosi…well I found it, and it’s just as bad on rewatch, though the increasing uncomfortable vibe in the room can’t be captured on video.

I think what people get wrong is they assume conservatives are fooled or something. Grant them that they aren’t fooled or stupid and that they are getting exactly what they want. They don’t want veterans to get a lot of extra social services or something like that. They don’t want to hear “I support the good police/military and want training for the bad police/military”. They want the bad police/military supported. They want Joe Arpaio in office and they want Mathew Golsteyn pardoned. They want police to bust heads and no one to apologize for that, not for them to be thanked for their service as long as they follow the lib’s rules. And they want to be told this is all good. It’s good to beat the criminals. It’s good to punish the people trying to invade the country. Everyone knows these people suffer. Everyone knows it’s impossible to enforce the border without causing suffering and death. So, they want to be told the suffering and death are good.


I’m not even sure what his point is. Taking all that as true, gridlock with Democrats in charge is better than Republicans with a trifecta.

In a crowded field, Jonathan Martin might be the single biggest douchebag in all of journalism.

If Tucker Carlson counts as “journalism”, he is #1 by a mile.

Coincidentally, just bumped into this opinion (via Drudge)

“ The best possible outcome in November for the future of the Republican Party is for former President Donald Trump to lose and lose soundly. GOP leaders won’t tell you that on the record. I just did.”

Who’s an edgy little columnist? JMart is!


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The gangs are just a metaphor for the hordes of illegals overrunning good, honest (white) Americans.

I’m really at the point where I wish we had more Venezuelan gangs.


This really cannot be hammered enough.

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