Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


Al Jazeera is generally pretty solid. But this article is a perfect example of the red meat the media wants that has zero upside for the candidate to provide.

‘I won’t be silent’ on Gaza: How will she speak up?

There is no good answer on Gaza that won’t piss off a chunk of the Dem base and risk losing the election. It sucks but that’s where we are.

How will she ban ‘price gouging’?

Is she going to implement price controls? No of course not, any more than Trump was going to give us the best, greatest, healthcare system ever. It’s populist rhetoric that works on low-info swing voters. But the difference is Trump can get away with it because no one cares and his base hates the MSM.

It’s like in Swingers when Jon Favreau gets the 3rd degree about his comedy career and Vince just says “I’m a producer” and the girls nod along. Kamala is Favreau and Trump is Vince.

Will she build a border wall?

No. But unfortunately right-wing framing on this has been so successful, and people are inherently so inherently fearful of the other, that even normies are sure MS-13 is streaming over our border right now. So you have to walk super delicately on this. Also Biden hasn’t been great on this stuff. So it’s a legitimate beef. But Trump will of course be immeasurably worse in every possible aspect.

What’s her position on Medicare for All?

Who cares? It’s not happening for a while anyway until the Boomers die off. They have Medicare for Them and they’re kicking the ladder out behind them as hard as they can. There’s no upside to pushing for it right now and it will scare off some normies who are afraid the next black president will be a repeat of Obama shoving his radical ACA agenda down their throats.

Will Harris ban fracking?

Yes, I’m going to ban fracking! Great, say goodbye to Pennsylvania. No, I’m not going to ban fracking! Great, lose environmentalists.

Hillary said she was going to put coal miners out of work. When Tony Bourdain went to West Virginia, that’s all anyone wanted to talk about. They know their industry is dying, but they still get super pissed when you call it out.


CNN deserves credit here.

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On fracking I saw it’s like 4000 people employed in that in PA? Doubting fracking is swinging the state but media just likes to talk about it like this huge issue there

eh, my anecdotal experience in pennsyltucky has me thinking the natural gas industry is a banger of a big deal out there. Maybe not people specifically doing “the fracking”, which I won’t even really pretend to know what that is.

The did the pitchbot thing


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If I had a nickel for every “light on policy” or “how will they pay for it” piece on Trump, I’d be so, so poor.




Basic due diligence would be to make sure you aren’t letting any obvious political operatives on your panel. It’s so pathetic.


The diligence is to make sure they’re on the panel.


I don’t know who that blonde is, but she’s definitely the next propaganda Barbie once Trump ships.

To elaborate, I’m not even much of a conspiracy guy, but “Why are there always Republican party operatives in these alleged groups of undecided voters?” is one of those questions that kinda answers themselves, like, “Why do all these homosexuals keep sucking my cock?”

They’re always there because they’re put there deliberately. It’s easily the simplest explanation.


Shocked picachu

I think we can shut down the thread now



Cannot retrieve this post

They replaced it with something basically just as bad.


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Politico is a far-right rag now that it is owned by some far-right German billionaire.

I could be totally wrong, but if you are not by now thoroughly repulsed by Trump, you probably lean Republican and are gonna vote for him anyway. I personally haven’t met these mythical creatures who are still undecided

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Maybe it’s me, but I didn’t think the article was that bad. It acknowledged her pitch perfect tone in not letting her gender or race define her or even be an issue