Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Lol fuck David Brooks. It takes a real asshole to take credit for the results of min wage increases for lower class workers as a sign that everything is totally fine. I have vivid memories of spending years of my life without a raise of any kind while the owners of the companies I worked for made millions more than expected.

Also I’d lay even odds that his analysis pretends like investment gains don’t exist and only factors in wages. Dipshit.


Well keep pestering him about it! We’ve got to make this a thing!

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Turns out Trump was right all along. CNN is the worst.


(Trump easily wriggles free)

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The snide and sneering way the NYT covers any candidate but Warren (and Biden, I guess) makes me sick.

I’m not a Bernie voter, but their interview with him was fucking ridiculous. Their interview with Pete was just as bad, if not worse. Guy literally asks him a “question” analogous to “when did you stop beating your wife” then goes on twitter to complain that Pete called him out on the bullshit.

They’ve been in the tank for Warren for a year, and if they don’t endorse her tomorrow, it will be the shock of the century.


Lol still acting like newspaper endorsements mean anythings

Candidate Daily Weekly Magazines College International Total
Hillary Clinton 243 148 15 77 17 500
No endorsement 64 13 0 5 0 82
Not Donald Trump 8 2 4 12 4 30
Donald Trump 20 6 0 0 2 28
Gary Johnson 9 0 0 0 0 9
Split endorsement 2 0 0 0 0 2
Evan McMullin 1 0 0 0 0 1
Not Hillary Clinton 1 0 0 0 0 1

If they did Hill would have rolled

Everyone mark the date: ■■■■■■■ and I agree on something.

Lmao NYT


Will add: I’m legit shocked Pete made their shortlist. After seeing that “interview” I had totally written it off

Failing Nyt too.

There’s a reason Trump won a lot of Obama voters.

Fuck FAIR, their “scholarly think tank” CSI and their racist founder John Tanton , may he not rest in peace.

If you want some fun go to their twitter home pages and see their fans call for murdering immigrants. For not being fearmongering hate groups… they stir a lot of it up.

I realize it is Fox, but I found the internal sub headline to be completely unrelated to the article as to laugh.




Other 2020




…from a cannon. Into the sun

…up about the Lightning’s chances at a cup this year



Hahahahaha I thought that was parody and had to go see it for myself. Howww does this fucking bedbug still have a job


If the fate of the universe depended on me reading that, gg universe.


I read it. In true Stephens style, no part of it is interesting enough to excerpt. It’s an exercise in comparison where he assumes Trump will continue to be ineffectual while also assuming Sanders will be a dictator with the power to unilaterally pass legislation.