I read that name as “asshat”
post-ironic nihilism = nihilism ?
nice past you got here
would be a shame if somebody were to UNBURY IT
As opposed to other politicians and public figures.
It should, however, be the only aspect of Pete’s career that we discuss. Other than his boots on the ground torture of Afghan children and work as a consultant on the development of torture techniques.
you people are deranged. Like I mentioned above, you can find all manner of fanfiction over on https://archiveofourown.org/
Like, where the hell did this weird conspiracy come from? You literally sound like pizzagate adrenochrome truthers. No seriously, I really want to know where it started. Is there some weird dirtbag left version of 8chan out there I don’t know about? This fascinates me.
I’m sure soldiers at Abu Ghraib could produce some nice photos of them with kiddies in public too, taken while they weren’t busy torturing people.
Your PR pics say nothing.
I can say that “NoMatterWho” and “jalfrezi” represents the views of the majority of us so perhaps it is you skydiver that is deranged.
I thought I laid the irony on pretty thick there.
no really, where did this come from? I actually am curious now.
It’s like tracing Qanon, which was also fascinating to me. You obviously truly believe it, and since things like this interest me (sociology, I guess?) I actually would love to figure out the source of this.
ok whatever, you got me. But I actually think Jal believes this, based on his entire posting history.
I think, based on your entire posting history, the poster on bedroom wall type hero worshipping of very obviously mediocre politicians and infatuation with the military tells me to carry a pinch of salt around with me when you’re posting.
The one thing that’s strange about Mayor Pete’s time at Navy was that he didn’t go through ROTC like a typical college grad, he was offered a direct commission in the naval reserves. Same program that Rience Priebus and Hunter Biden did when they started their illustrious naval careers well into their forties.
I’m obviously not an expert but according to wikipidia, the program
Civilians who have special skills that are critical to sustaining military operations, supporting troops, health and scientific study may receive a direct commission upon entering service. These officers usually occupy leadership positions in the following areas: law, science, medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, nurse corps, intelligence, supply-logistics-transportation, engineering, public affairs, chaplain corps, oceanography, merchant marine affairs, and others.
Mayor Pete, at the time Junior McKinsey Consultant Pete, does not seem to have had any expertise in any of those fields. And junior management consultants famously don’t have any knowledge, experience, or expertise. What critical skill did Pete add to the Navy that justified this commission? Hard to say.
again, according to wikipedia the Navy’s direct commission program
The U.S. Navy Reserve Direct Commissioning Program allows university-educated professionals, between ages 19 to 35 (or older, in some cases), the opportunity to be appointed as an officer in the Navy Reserve. Most DCOs hold advanced degrees (MAs, MBAs, MSs, JDs, MDs, DOs, PharmDs and Ph.Ds.) and/or significant civilian work experience. In recent years, the number of direct commissions offered by the Navy Reserve has increased due to the need for skilled officers to serve as Individual Augmentees (IAs) in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Direct Commissioning Program serves the expanded needs of the Navy in certain officer skill areas listed below in alphabetical order by category:
OK so Junior Management Consultant Pete
university-educated professionals, between ages 19 to 35 (or older, in some cases),
is University educated. Check.
Most DCOs hold advanced degrees (MAs, MBAs, MSs, JDs, MDs, DOs, PharmDs and Ph.Ds.)
Did not hold an advanced degree
and/or significant civilian work experience.
and had never held a real job as far as I can tell
But in his capacity as Junior Management Consultant for McKinsey he did visit both Iraq and Afghanistan.
Maybe he did have some relevant experience in intelligence? This is the origin story for the conspiracy theory of CIA Pete, which I fully subscribe to. Is it common for the intelligence agencies to recruit McKinsey consultants? Wouldn’t surprise me at all.
Wouldn’t a more likely conspiracy theory be that Buttigieg had a well-connected political sugar daddy who got him a resume-building military gig that didn’t require much training or work than that he was secretly taking part in torture? That seems like a better explanation for why he has a thin service record and was driving around people in Afghanistan.
Did I say he took part in torture? What the fuck are you talking about?
It’s a reference to stuff like this (which I am aware is not you)
If you’re talking about a more general “Pete is CIA” conspiracy theory, do you really imagine a CIA asset in Afghanistan not participating in torture and other crimes?
Of course? A vanishingly small fraction of CIA employees and agents would ever have participated in torture.
I might not always agree with Keed, but I don’t usually assume that he shares the same views as Tikka Masala.