Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

It’s materially different than COVID, which can be sold to those dopes as “invisible”. A huge dark yellow cloud of dystopian smoke and dust?

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Air pollution is something libs invented to dunk on conservatives

All public health is government overreach. Be a Real Man!

Air quality? THAT’S SOCIALISM!


We live in a universe where you can write “a core piece of the identity of the GOP over the last 50 years is not tolerating their elites doing crimes” in a major media publication and not immediately get struck by lightning.


Ah, the power of branding. Everyone knows the Republicans are for Law And Order and Responsible Government Spending. They just are, why even bother looking up any facts about it?

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Nonpartisan Center For Public Civility at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation


Did you know that Reagan used to drink with Tip O’Neill?!?

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Whenever I hear the name Tip O’Neill, that’s when I know it’s time to Tip O’Nout


The man who New York Times national political reporter Jeremy Peters selected on Sunday to exemplify his thesis about ordinary Virginians voting Republican due to their “dissatisfaction with the political culture” turned out not to be an ordinary Virginian at all.

Peters quoted Glenn Miller calling himself as a “Hillary-Biden voter,” and wrote that Miller recently reached a “tipping point” that led him to attend a rally for the Republican gubernatorial candidate, Glenn Youngkin.

After Peters tweeted out his story, a little sleuthery by journalist Jonathan M. Katz quickly identified Miller as a prolific Republican donor and an activist foe of the (nonexistent) teaching of “critical race theory” in pubic schools.

That said, it’s not just Peters. This sort of thing happens almost routinely in the Times. I think it’s because the reporters parachute into a place not to listen — which they damn well should be doing — but to find someone who will illustrate the (often toxic) story they and/or their editors had in mind before they even got there. They cast around desperately for someone — and find themselves a ringer




Business insider with the hard hitting journalism the people needed. Hint business insider McCarthy does not care one wit about locks in bathrooms or garages. He literally has no clue because it’s not about documents being safer with locks or not



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Hostile engagement is the most profitable and reliable engagement

Sports journalism also sucks.


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Well that makes this tag make more sense

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