Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Fox is carrying Christie’s lol announcement right now, and it looks like the audience wants to kill him.

Such a cuck. Don’t lead with things that can be proven untrue. Just lead with ANTFA or BLM or whatever.

How many scarramuccis?

From what I can tell, Licht (while bad) is better than the finance bros he reports to. It will get even worse. Warner Discovery is some weird private equity caproate Frankenstein. When companies are are saddled with debt and not developed naturally, the results are rarely good.

Seems very bad


Good news… for John McCain!

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Very fucking bad.

How does Twitter count views?
The numbers on Tuckers video are obviously bullshit.

Basically if it shows up in your feed, that’s a view. Doesn’t matter if you scroll past it immediately.

It’s got 600k likes, which is still a lot, but no where near the most liked posts.

Edit: looks like for a video you have to let it play for at least 2 seconds with at least half the video on screen to count as a view. Still probably lots of views can come from slow scrolling through your feed.



Go Fox lawyers!

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letthemfight.gif x infinity





Yeah, that’s the lesson assholes


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according to matt walsh his twitter movie is the most watched video of all time by “all metrics”…

all metrics being 2 seconds of scroll.

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lol, and people seriously thought Tucker was going to compete with Joe Rogan.

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I was unaware that such a policy existed in the first place. My old man has been watching conspiracy theory videos of that variety on YouTube since well before 2020 and, as far as I can tell, they have continued since then, unabated.


There has got to be some loyal Fox News viewers that are finally like, “what the fuck?”

I mean, I know if they are still loyal to the network, they are brainwashed/have no brain, but it HAS to click for some of them that pretending like it’s totally a-ok and no problem that the air is fucking orange is lunacy. It HAS to, right? Right?

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